Center for Mediation and Conflict Resolution

Local mediators in Somaliland

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David Smock (Photo: USIP)
Senior Vice President, Centers of Innovation, and Director, Religion and Peacemaking Center

Center Experts

Senior Program Officer, Latin America, Center of Innovation
Acting Senior Vice President

About the Center:

The Center for Mediation and Conflict Resolution designs and manages the Institute's efforts in areas where fighting is active. The Center also conducts research, identifies best practices, develops new peacemaking tools, and supports related training and education efforts.

The Center for Mediation and Conflict Resolution conducts work in the following zones of conflict:

  • The Arab-Israeli Conflict - USIP is addressing a series of challenges and opportunities facing the parties to the conflict, with a focus on institutional capacity to make compromises, the capacity of the Israeli and Palestinian publics to build consensus and support for a negotiated agreement, and the role of U.S. policymakers in encouraging and supporting these efforts toward a peaceful resolution.
    Take a more in depth look at our work in Israel and the Palestinian Territories
  • Nigeria -Nigeria is rife with conflicts over petroleum resources and religion. Amidst this situation, the Center is working on peace efforts for the Niger Delta region, including working collaboratively with local governments, oil companies, and Nigerian NGOs.
  • Sudan - Amidst challenges on multiple fronts, including the ongoing conflict in Darfur, a fragile Comprehensive Peace Agreement, and significant local violence in the southern and central parts of the country USIP is:  training communities in the North, South and Three Areas on electoral and referendum violence prevention, analyzing political and economic measures needed to promote a sustainable peace in post-2011 Sudan, and engaging Darfur Diaspora in an effort to strengthen consensus on how to build peace in Darfur.
  • Colombia- In spite of prolonged and chronic internal armed conflict, limited advances in peacebuilding have been realized in Colombia, including demobilization of paramilitaries. USIP is working on a number of initiatives, including ecumenical peacemaking in Colombia, the Cucuta Peacebuilding and Training Network and targeted investments in local peacebuilding projects.