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IT Transformation Strategic Plan

On December 14, 2010, Secretary Ken Salazar signed Secretarial Order #3309 outlining the steps that the Department will take to align IT resources under a single Chief Information Officer (CIO).  This new structure will minimize redundancies, streamline IT, and enhance customer service while lowering IT costs to the Department.

The Order also required the CIO to develop an IT Transformation Strategic Plan, which was delivered to the Secretary on July 1, 2011. Development of the plan was a collaborative effort between the Department and DOI bureaus and offices. The plan outlines high priority IT service areas for immediate modernization and aligns with OMB’s 25 Point Implementation Plan to Reform Federal Information Technology Management.

The Strategic Plan highlight’s the proactive steps the Department is taking to improve efficiency, lower costs, and help government employees work better and smarter.

» Download DOI's IT Transformation Strategic Plan

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