Curriculum Programs
Advanced Placement
Career and Technical Education
Early Childhood Education
English as a Second Language (ESL)
English Language Arts (ELA)
Gifted Education
Health Education
Host Nation Studies
Information Centers
Physical Education
Social Studies
Special Education
Virtual School Program
Visual Arts
World Language


The DoDEA Music Education Program for kindergarten through twelfth grade has four major goals.

  • Participate in Various Forms of Musical Expression
    The experiences of singing, playing, listening, moving to, and creating music lead to an understanding of musical concepts.
  • Demonstrate an Understanding of Musical Concepts
    To translate or articulate the unique language of music, one should be able to use the vocabulary and notation of music.
  • Display an Awareness of the Interrelationship between Music and Society
    Music is a vital part of any society's heritage. Hearing and performing a variety of diverse music helps one to understand the role music has played and continues to play in the lives of all humans.
  • Display an Understanding and Appreciation of Music as an Art Form
    Music evokes intellectual, aesthetic, emotional, and physical response. One learns to be sensitive to the power and beauty of music alone and in its interaction with other art forms.

These goals, through which the learning outcomes of the music program are determined, are aligned with the DoDEA K-12 Music Education Standards and the National Standards for Music Education.

Individual K-12 grade level music achievement standards have been developed for each of the following content standards:

  • Sing, alone and with others, a varied repertoire of music
  • Perform on instruments, alone and with others, a varied repertoire of music
  • Improvise melodies, variations, and accompaniments
  • Compose and arrange music within specified guidelines
  • Read and notate music
  • Listen to, analyze, and describe music
  • Evaluate music and music performances
  • Understand relationships between music, the other arts, and disciplines outside the arts
  • Understand music in relation to history and culture

Contact Information:

DoDEA Music Coordinator
4800 Mark Center Drive
Alexandria VA 22350-1400
Phone: 571-372-6027