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Children’s Brain Tumor Foundation,

A non-profit organization, was founded in 1988 by dedicated parents, physicians and friends. Our mission is to improve the treatment, quality of life and the long term outlook for children with brain and spinal cord tumors through research, support, education, and advocacy to families and survivors.

CBTF Video Contest

Enter our Video Contest to win a chance to attend CBTF's Campference: Connecting Families and Professionals in New York City! The winner will receive airfare and hotel accommodations for their immediate family. Children, parents, and/or siblings are invited to create a two minute video telling us what daily life has been like after the diagnosis. The individual or family whose video earns the most votes will win the prize!

We Need Your Support

The Children's Brain Tumor Foundation depends upon individuals and companies to continue its crucial programs for children with brain and spinal cord tumors and their families. You can help


By: Tom Ha  |  Wednesday, September 12, 2012
 For this past year I have been working with CBTF young adult survivors and, photographers Annie Levy and Paul White.  For our most recent project we had taken a lot of pictures, on different topics like: What matters to me?  Who inspires me?  What scares me?  Kind of like being detectives of ourselves, afterwards we would pick out our favorite picture or one of the...
By: Kayla Giacin  |  Tuesday, September 11, 2012
A very humbling and rewarding part about working in the brain tumor and cancer community is that I will never learn all there is to learn about brain tumors.  Every day is a chance to meet new people, learn new facts or hear somebody else’s story that might be very different from my own.My work hours don’t run 9-5 as I am always interested in what’s going on in the...
  • 11 families across America will learn their child has a brain or spinal cord tumor
  • A mother will grieve that her instincts about her child’s health were right.
  • A father will allow himself to cry, but only alone in the shower.
  • 3 families across America will mourn the loss of their child to a brain or spinal cord tumor
  • Friends, family and community will try to make sense of an untimely death and the unfulfilled promise of a life.
  • 6 families across America will transition to survivorship.
  • A mother will be too exhausted from providing constant care to her child to simply write checks to pay bills.
  • A father will again adapt his day, family and life to a new definition of normal, unlike any he had previously envisioned.
  • A survivor on the brink of adulthood will wonder if he’ll ever date, marry or have a family.
Today, Children’s Brain Tumor Foundation will be there with insight, support, respite and hope.

Today, we invite you to join us!

Please support Children’s Brain Tumor Foundation. Make a donation to childhood cancer. Thank you!

Knowledge is critical for families and patients facing the diagnosis of a childhood brain tumor. Our website provides an array of information and resources for the newly diagnosed and long-term survivors.

©2009 Children's Brain Tumor Foundation.    274 Madison Avenue Sute 1004 New York, NY 10016    (866) 228-4673

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