
University of Utah, Utah State presidents call for immigraton reform

Two Utah college presidents joined their colleagues around the country calling for immigration reform.

At party conventions, 2 views of patriotism

e Democrats and Republicans trot out their patriotism onstage, it can sound like they love two different nations. Read more »

Sept. 6, 2012


Police in legal minefield on Arizona immigration law

PHOENIX — More than two years after it was signed into law, the most contentious part of Arizona's landmark immigration legislation is expected to go into effect following a federal court... Read more »

Sept. 6, 2012

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Democrats' Julian Castro says Mitt Romney 'doesn't get it'

San Antonio Mayor Julian Castro's keynote speech to the Democratic convention was a potent message blending immigrant dreams with partisan bite. Read more »

Sept. 4, 2012


DNC keynoter Castro shows partisan chops

San Antonio Mayor Julian Castro's keynote speech to the Democratic convention was a spicy blend of immigrant dreams and partisan bite. Read more »

Sept. 4, 2012


UN says 100,000 refugees fled Syria in August

More than 100,000 Syrians sought refugee status during August in what the United Nations describes as an eye-popping escalation in the pace of departures since the hostilities began. Read more »

Sept. 4, 2012


Democratic platform focuses on fixing the economy

Democrats unveiled a party platform at their national convention Monday that echoes President Barack Obama's call for higher taxes on wealthier Americans while backing same-sex marriage and... Read more »

Sept. 4, 2012


GOP OKs platform barring abortions, gay marriage

Republicans emphatically approved a toughly worded party platform at their national convention Tuesday that would ban all abortions and gay marriages, reshape Medicare into a voucher-like program... Read more »

Aug. 28, 2012


Deportation has wide-reaching impacts, research indicates

Deportation impacts more than just the immigrant being deported. Families and communities are all strongly affected by deportation, studies say, and deportation has risen in recent years under the Obama administration. Read more »

Aug. 20, 2012


Deported Mormon glass artists making new life in new country

The Correa family's first few months in their home country of Argentina after being deported from the United States nearly two years ago were miserable. Feeling sad and depressed in Argentina, the... Read more »

Aug. 19, 2012


Utah's immigration law should go into effect, A.G. argues

SALT LAKE CITY — Based on the U.S. Supreme Court's recent ruling on Arizona's immigration enforcement law, Utah's HB497 should be able to go into effect, the Utah Attorney General's Office... Read more »

Aug. 17, 2012


Undocumented immigrants begin applying for 'deferred action' to legally delay deportation

Utah could potentially have 10,000 to 20,000 illegal immigrants eligible to apply for new 'deferred action' status'. Read more »

Aug. 15, 2012


'Deferred action' to take effect Aug. 15

SALT LAKE CITY — Young adults who have been waiting for the opportunity to work legally will now be able to apply for a temporary postponement from deportation starting Aug. 15, when... Read more »

Aug. 14, 2012


Commission studying illegal immigration impacts

A subcommittee of the Utah Commission on Immigration and Migration has been tasked to narrow down issues for a possible study on the impacts of illegal immigration in Utah. Read more »

Aug. 13, 2012


The next step: Children brought to U.S. by undocumented immigrant parents can apply for 'deferred action' starting Aug. 15

In June, the Department of Homeland Security announced it would create a process to allow children brought into the United States by undocumented parents to apply for "deferred action" on removal... Read more »

Aug. 6, 2012


Hyrum State Park reaching out to diverse park users

As a state park ranger, Chris Haramoto had become aware of two divergent trends in Utah: As the state had become increasingly diverse, relatively few ethnic minorities were visiting state parks. Read more »

July 29, 2012

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DHS: Obama administration's work permits for immigrants could cost $585 million

The Obama administration's new plan to grant temporary work permits to many young, illegal immigrants who otherwise could be deported may cost the government more than $585 million and require... Read more »

July 24, 2012


Arizona sheriff to take stand at profiling trial

An Arizona sheriff known nationally for his hardline stance on illegal immigration is expected to take the witness stand Tuesday and face allegations that his trademark immigration sweeps amounted... Read more »

July 24, 2012


Authorities: 14 dead after truck crashes in Texas

A pickup truck overloaded with illegal immigrants veered off a highway and crashed into trees in rural South Texas, killing at least 14 people and leaving 9 injured, authorities said. Read more »

July 23, 2012


Va wants tough immigration curb; it's already law

The results of last week's Quinnipiac Poll question on immigration were clear and loud: Virginians want a tough Arizona-style law allowing police to check the legal status of those stopped or arrested. Read more »

July 22, 2012


Iraqi and Utah students work together to close culture gaps

The program Bridge over Barriers invited Iraqi high school students and their host families Tuesday to participate in painting a mural design under the bridge at 300 N. 700 West, in hopes of... Read more »

July 10, 2012


Is 'illegal immigrant' a slur now?

The Supreme Court's decision to omit the phrase "illegal immigrant" from the Arizona immigration ruling last week has sparked a discussion online about the proper way to identify someone who is... Read more »

July 6, 2012


Band's charity work is music to young people's ears

American indie band Foster the People's charity foundation — Foster the Future — teamed with Heart 2 Home, a nonprofit organization that helps those in need of home repair, to remodel... Read more »

July 5, 2012


No one-size-fits-all approach to wooing Hispanics

In New Mexico, Tomasita Maestas says she will pick the presidential candidate who has the best plan to fix education and the economy. Read more »

July 1, 2012


More nuanced view of Roberts after health care law

Chief Justice John Roberts could have taken down the entire, massive health care law that his fellow Republicans deride as "Obamacare." He could have prevented the Supreme Court decision that... Read more »

July 1, 2012


Lois M. Collins: Immigrants, refugees can choose which aspects of culture to assimilate

Changing countries and assimilating doesn't mean you toss the old ways out or forget the past. It's a process of picking and choosing that takes place among families of different ethnic and racial... Read more »

June 28, 2012


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