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TRANSITION (Resources, Presep and Benefits)


The Transition Assistance Program is intended to provide information and assistance to all separating and retiring members to help them make an effective transition from military to civilian life. An integral aspect of this goal is to ensure that separating members are made aware of, and have access to, the numerous programs and services available to assist them in the transition process.

Services and Programs

The ultimate goal of the Work Life Program is to keep Coast Guard members and their families physically, psychologically, spiritually, and financially healthy.  By doing so, it allows Coast Guard Members to perform Coast Guard missions fully and safely without distraction.  We do this by providing required unit training and individualized training, guidance, information, and referral services on a variety of Work-Life topics.

Pre-separation Information

All transitioning Coast Guard members are required to attend a Preseparation Counseling prior to departing the Coast Guard. In addition, the Coast Guard's Preseparation Instruction COMDTINST 1900 (.pdf) and COMDTINT 1900.2A (.pdf) provides information on the various services and benefits available to separating Coast Guard members and their families.

Military personnel begin to receive transition services by attending a Preseparation Counseling or Transition Assistance Program a minimum of 90 days prior to separation. Preseparation counseling is required by law; we strongly recommend that you register for a transition seminar or set up a preseparation counseling appointment at lease 180 days prior to separation. during the transition seminar and preseparation counseling, you will learn about your benefits and rights, as well as the services that are available. You will be introduced to the DD Form 2648, "Preseparation Counseling Checklist" and assisted in its completion. This form helps coast Guard members to identify their needs and develop a personal plan for securing the help to meet those needs.

Normally, civilian employees will receive a separate counseling on benefits from their Civilian Personnel Office. Once that counseling is completed, civilian employees and family members of Coast Guard members and civilian employees visit the work-Life Center to learn about available services, identify the services they need, and to take steps necessary to receive those services

Throughout their transition, Coast Guard members, Coast Guard civilians, and their family members have free access to trained Work-Life managers who can help them to modify their individual transition plan, secure necessary services, or just resolve problems. The Work-Life Center remains their guide through this anxious transition period.

Pre-separation Counseling

Congress has directed (through Public Law 102-484, National Defense Authorization Act, 1995) that all service members separating from active duty receive preseparation counseling not later than 90 days prior to separation. At installations where Work-Life exists, the Work-Life Center conducts transition seminars that include all preseparation information which is designed to inform you of separation services and benefits, provides information on other service providers, and assists in the development of a personal individual transition plan (ITP). To ensure that you receive proper counseling, you will be required to complete DD Form 2648, "Preseparation Counseling Checklist", which serves as the basis for your ITP and becomes a permanent part of your personnel record upon completion.

Schedule Your Counseling

Coast Guard members are normally scheduled to attend the transition seminar or preseparation counseling by the servicing installation Work-Life Center. The goal is to attend a transition seminar or preseparation counseling between 180-90 days prior to separation. If you are within 90 days of separation and have not made an appointment, call the Work-Life Center and schedule a seminar immediately. If you are stationed at a remote location which does not provide Work-Life services, contact your transition liaison or the Work-Life Center and arrange an appointment.

Transition Assistance Program (TAP) Class

Public Law 103-337 requires that all Coast Guard commands offer preseparation counseling at least 90-180 days before separation to all members being discharged, released from active duty, medically discharging and retired (no exceptions).

Preseparation Timeline
The following timeline shows major events during the period from 180 to 90 days prior to separation:

180-150 Days:
Attend a Transition Assistance Program Workshop.
If not able to attend TAP, schedule Preseparation Counseling appointment.
Develop Individual Transition Plan.
Research job market. Assess your skills and interests.

150-120 Days:
Start networking - contact friends in the private sector.
Attend job fairs.
Research job possibilities, markets and economic conditions.
Make financial plan for your transitional period.

120-90 Days:
Visit your Reserve Component Career Counselor
Receive your Verification of Military Experience and Training (DD214) document.
Complete first draft of your resume.
Visit your Education Services Office.
Schedule your physical examination.
Learn about your transitional health care options.
If you qualify-Submit (Leave/Permissive TDY) to unit commander.

90-60 Days:
Arrange transportation counseling
Schedule final dental examination.
Make copies of personnel and medical records.
Determine eligibility for separation pay.

Obtain free legal advice/prepare will at local Staff Judge Advocate/Legal Assistance.
Begin automated job search.
Complete DORS resume. (See Employment Assistance)
Send out resumes.
Assemble your civilian job search wardrobe.

Individual Transition Plan (ITP)

Every separating Coast Guard member needs a targeted and individualized transition plan. The ITP is your game plan for a successful transition to civilian life. It is a framework you can use to fulfill realistic career goals based upon your unique skills, knowledge, experience, and abilities. The ITP is not an official form. It is something you create by yourself, for yourself. The ITP identifies actions and activities associated with your transition.

Your copy of the completed DD Form 2648 will serve as an outline for your ITP. On this checklist, you will indicate the benefits and services for which you desire to receive additional counseling. You will then be referred to subject experts who will gladly answer your questions. Your Work-Life manager will furnish general information and emphasize certain points for you to consider.

Effects of a Career Change

Changing careers is a stressful undertaking, perhaps even more so for those leaving military service after many years. the experiences of thousands of service members who have recently separated suggest that this transition is likely to be stressful for you and your family.

Understanding stress and coping with it are essential skills you will need to get through this difficult time. Include all of your family members in the transition decision making process because there will be changes in employment status, lifestyle, location, and schools.

If this transition is causing you and your family stress, you may seek help through Coast Guard Work-Life Center, the Chaplain's office, mental health facilities, local support groups, and even the self-help section of your nearest library or bookstore.

Spousal Employment Assistance Program (SEAP)

What is SEAP?
SEAP is a program designed to assist you in overcoming the difficulties associated with finding employment, especially during the relocation process. It provides comprehensive and standardized employment information and services at Work-Life offices through out the U. S. Coast Guard. This program also provides you with the tools to carry out career planning and prepares you for today and tomorrow’s workplace.

What SEAP is not.
The SEAP program is not an employment office or placement center.

Who is eligible for SEAP services?

  • Family members of active duty personnel
  • Retired service members and their dependents
  • Relocating spouses of DOD/DOT employees

What services does SEAP offer?

  • Computerized job listingsSelf-service employment resources
  • Reference library
  • General employment information
  • Employment and Business opportunities

Assistance and Skill Building Workshops

  • Job search
  • Resume writing
  • Interview skills
  • Employment and career counseling
  • Personality, skills and interest assessments
  • Filling out SF-171 and OF-612 federal employment application forms

Contact Information:

Ms. CJ Johnson
Transition Relocation Specialist
(510) 437-5920

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Last Modified 8/9/2012