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Wrist Injuries and Disorders - Multiple Languages

Arabic (العربية)
Russian (Русский)
Spanish (español)
French (français)
Somali (af Soomaali)


Arabic (العربية)

  • Active Range of Motion Exercises: Wrists, Elbows, Forearms and Shoulders
    (Arabic) العربية   PDF  Bilingual
    Health Information Translations 

French (français)

  • Active Range of Motion Exercises: Wrists, Elbows, Forearms and Shoulders
    Séries d'exercices de mouvements actifs: poignets, coudes, avant-bras et épaules - français (French)   PDF  Bilingual
    Health Information Translations 

Russian (Русский)

  • Active Range of Motion Exercises: Wrists, Elbows, Forearms and Shoulders
    Активные двигательные упражнения: запястья, локти, предплечья и плечи - Русский (Russian)   PDF  Bilingual
    Health Information Translations 
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Somali (af Soomaali)

  • Active Range of Motion Exercises: Wrists, Elbows, Forearms and Shoulders
    Jimicsiyada meelaha dhaqdhaqaaqa: Curcuraha, Suxullada, dhudhumada iyo Garbaha - af Soomaali (Somali)   PDF  Bilingual
    Health Information Translations 
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Spanish (español)

Date last updated: 19 September 2008

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