On This Page

  • Disclosing Unpublished Research, Methods, or Innovations
  • Publishing and Public Access
  • Official Duty Activity Approval
  • Human Subjects Research
  • Stem Cell Research 
  • Departing NIDDK Staff
  • NIH On-line Technology Transfer Training
  • Technology Portfolio
  • DDK Today

Contact Us

12 South Drive, Room 3011
Bethesda, MD 20892-5632
Tel: (301) 451-3636
Fax: (301) 402-7461 

To provide comments on this website, please contact mta@niddk.nih.gov

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Who do I contact with questions about technology transfer (inventions, patents, and agreements)?

2. When should I contact OTTD about my new discovery or invention?

3. What steps are necessary for complying with NIH Public Access Policy?

4. Where do I find more information on NIDDK human research policies?

5. Where do I find more information on NIH stem cell research policies?

6. What are Official Duty Activities (ODAs)?

7. What steps are necessary for NIDDK staff for clearance by OTTD before departing employment with NIDDK?

8. What type of training is available to learn more about technology transfer at NIH?

NIDDK OTTD Primary Contact List

To find the NIDDK OTTD contact assigned to your intramural laboratory/branch, please click on the link above.

2. Disclosing Unpublished Research, Methods, or Innovations

Federal employees and individuals working at NIH have a legal obligation (Executive Order 10096 and 45 C.F.R. Part 7) to report inventions developed while working at NIH. The Employee Invention Report (EIR) should be used to document the invention prior to any public disclosure of the invention. Public disclosure of an invention before a patent application has been filed may jeopardize development of the technology by limiting patent rights. Therefore, it is important to submit an EIR as early as feasible, preferably before the scientific paper is submitted for publication or a presentation is scheduled.

Before sharing unpublished information about NIDDK research or to explore the possibility of a collaboration, the confidential information may be protected by arranging a Confidential Disclosure Agreement (CDA). Contact NIDDK OTTD for more information.

  • Confidential Disclosure Agreement
  • NIDDK Scientific Discovery Notification
  • PHS EIR (Word, 83KB)

3. Publishing and Public Access Policy:

The NIH Public Access Policy ensures that the public has access to the published results of NIH funded research. Before submitting a manuscript for publication, authors are required to comply with the Policy, including:

  • Obtaining clearance for the publication.
  • Submitting the “NIH Publishing Agreement & Manuscript Cover Sheet” to the publisher.
  • Submitting final peer-reviewed journal manuscripts that arise from NIH funds to the digital archive PubMed Central (PMC) upon acceptance for publication. These papers are accessible to the public on PubMed Central no later than 12 months after publication.
  • Including the article’s PubMed Central reference number (PMCID), or alternative identifying information when citing your paper in internal NIDDK reviews.
  • Peer-Reviewed Manuscripts in Journals ( pdf, 105KB)
  • Non-Peer-Reviewed Works, including Books or Book Chapters ( pdf, 102KB)

4. Official Duty Activity Approval (ODA):

Official Duty Activities are those activities performed by an employee as part of, or an extension of, regular official responsibilities. In certain circumstances, an employee may participate with an outside organization to perform official work when there is a compelling agency policy reason for official duty activities with outside organizations. The Standards of Ethical Conduct for Employees of the Executive Branch (at 5 CFR 2635) provide the basic guidelines for official duty activities, and the NIH sets the policy for implementing the guidelines at the NIH. An employee may participate in such activities only with advance approval. For questions about specific activities, contact NIDDK’s Ethics Office.

Traci Melvin, Deputy Ethics Counselor

Christina Espinoza, Ethics Coordinator

  • ODA Approval Sample Request Letter (Word, 28KB)

5. Human Subjects Research:

NIH requires that all clinical trials be conducted in such a way as to ensure the safety of all participants and the validity and integrity of the resultant data. Please see the links below on the NIH Policy for Data and Safety Monitoring, Further Guidance on a Data and Safety Monitoring for Phase I and Phase II Trials, and the NIDDK Data and Safety Monitoring Guidelines for Clinical Trials for more information.

For information regarding Department of Health and Human Services policies on research using human subjects, please visit the Office for Human Research Protections website.

6. Stem Cell Research

7. Departing NIDDK Staff

Departing NIDDK Staff Clearance by the NIDDK OTTD is required of employees, including departing scientist and fellows for separation or transfer from NIDDK. The separating employee is responsible working with the Office to ensure that proper clearance is obtained or to resolve any issues or concerns.

  • NIDDK OTTD Departing Personnel Clearance ( pdf, 41KB)
  • NIH Memo on Required Permissions and Procedures for Transporting Materials from an NIH Lab ( pdf, 41KB)

8. NIH On-line Technology Transfer Training

9. NIDDK Staff Login Required

Page last updated: December 01, 2010