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Web Video: New Majority Seeks Collaboration with States to Cut Spending, Help Create Jobs
Posted by Press Office on November 29, 2010
In this week's Web video, Boehner discusses his hope that an upcoming meeting on December 1 with Republican congressional leaders and newly elected governors will serve as the beginning of a collaborative effort to put an end to out-of-control government spending and help small businesses get back to creating jobs.  Video and key excerpts are included below.

Boehner says:

On November 2, the American people sent a clear message to Washington demanding less spending and more jobs.   To deliver, legislators and governors in Congress and state capitols across the country are going to have to work together…

Republicans may still be outnumbered in Washington, but with the American people and reform-minded governors standing with us we can begin to build the smaller, more accountable and less costly government that the American people want.

The opinions expressed below are those of their respective authors and do not necessarily represent those of this office.
  • William Bogus commented on 11/30/2010
    Speaker Boehner, What about S510/and the midnight immigration bills being proposed at this time. Why does the Federal Reserve run our Country? Thank You for your concern about these trying issues. William R. Bogus
  • Richard Storti commented on 11/30/2010
    Please don't forget your promise to the American people, the people who voted you into office, the people who trusted you to keep your word. You said "NO TO COMPROMISE" After your first meeting with obama it sounds as though the American people are getting sold out again. Who can we rely on? Who can we trust to lead us? Who can help save the American dream. Is there one leader in America who care more for country than self? Wasn't the American people's voice heard after this last election? Please keep your promise
  • John Snedeker commented on 11/30/2010
    The United States real problem! This must Change to solve our problems for the future! Jobs, Companies must stop shipping jobs to China!, We must bring back the manufacturing and factories to the U.S. today! If the companies don' t do it we must Tax imports to collect the taxes these companies. Bring the cost of the product to almost even even with costs for production in the US.
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