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Resource Evaluation Program
Regulation of Prelease Geological and Geophysical (G&G) Exploration
Geological and Geophysical (G&G) Data Acquisition
Resource Assessment

2011 Assessment Results
2006 Resource Assessment
2006 Resource Assessment
Reserves Inventory
Fair Market Value
Resource Potential of Gas Hydrates
Resource Evaluation Office Locations
Resource Evaluation Division Publications
Resource Evaluation (R.E.) Glossary

Offshore Energy and Minerals Management Homepage
5-Year OCS Leasing Program
Environmental Stewardship
GOMESA Revenue Sharing
International Activities
Coastal Impact Assistance Program (CIAP)
Mapping and Data
Leasing Moratorium Information
Offshore Safety
Offshore Stats & Facts
Past 5-Year Programs
Regulatory Compliance
Renewable Energy Program
Resource Evaluation
2006 National Assssment
2006 National Assessment Map
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Reserves Information
bullet Overview
bullet Estimating Reserves
bullet Reserves Information

The following links point to various reports and documents containing detailed annual reserves data for proved and unproved fields, grouped by geologic age, planning areas, water depth and region.

bullet Gulf of Mexico Region Field and Reserve Information
bullet Estimated Oil and Gas Reserves Gulf of Mexico, December 31, 2004 (3.07 MB PDF)
bullet Pacific OCS Estimated Oil and Gas Reserves
bullet Estimated Oil and Gas Reserves, Pacific Outer Continental Shelf (January 1, 1999 through December 31, 2003) (3.05 MB PDF)

Last Updated: 06/30/2011, 12:04 PM Central Time