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Coastal Impact Assistance Program (CIAP) Program Documents

Photo of a beach area.The BOEMRE developed program documents to provide guidance and direction to the eligible States and coastal political subdivisions interested in participating in the Coastal Impact Assistance Program.


State Plan and Amendment Guidelines, Revised September 2010
(22 KB PDF)

This document was modified September 8, 2010, to include missing information (Plan Amendment submittal date of December 31, 2012) and to do a complete conversion to the bureau acronym, BOEMRE. 


Grant Guidelines, Updated to reflect new bureau name (201 KB PDF; August 2010)

bullet Modifications to Projects in Approved Plans (June 2010)
bullet Expedited Funding Guidelines (December 2010)
These guidelines apply only to the CIAP eligible states bordering on the Gulf of Mexico. The guidelines provide a process to release funds on an expedited basis for projects specifically designed to respond to an oil spill of national significance. (P.L. 111-212)
bullet De-obligating and Re-obligating CIAP Grant Funds Guidelines, (December 2010)
Guidelines for de-obligating of completed or terminated projects and re-obligating of a project’s funds remaining after completion or termination guidelines were prepared by BOEMRE for the recipients.
bullet ASAP Guidelines (Automated Standard Application for Payments), (December 2010)
The ASAP guidance is standard guidance applicable to all bureaus and parties using the system.
bullet Grant Program Announcements: (*Recipients can apply for 2007-2010 funds)
bullet Project Narrative Attachment to be Submitted with Application in (July 2010)
A quick link to Project Narrative attachment to be submitted with application in
bullet Alabama 2010 CIAP Grant Announcement (Recipients can apply for 2007-2008 funds)
bullet Non-Construction Projects or Construction with a Non-Construction Component Projects 
bullet 100% Construction Projects 
bullet Alaska 2010 CIAP Grant Program Announcement
bullet Non-Construction Projects or Construction with a Non-Construction Component Projects 
bullet 100% Construction Projects 
bullet California 2010 CIAP Grant Announcement
bullet Non-Construction Projects or Construction with a Non-Construction Component Projects 
bullet 100% Construction Projects 
bullet Louisiana 2010 CIAP Grant Program Announcements
bullet Non-Construction Projects or Construction with a Non-Construction Component Projects 
bullet 100% Construction Projects 
bullet Mississippi 2010 CIAP Grant Announcement
bullet Non-Construction Projects or Construction with a Non-Construction Component Projects 
bullet 100% Construction Projects 
bullet Texas 2010 CIAP Grant Announcement (Recipients can apply for 2007-2008 funds)
bullet Non-Construction Projects or Construction with a Non-Construction Component Projects 
bullet 100% Construction Projects 
bullet Final Programmatic Environmental Assessment (720 KB PDF; May 2007)