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U.S. Department of Health and Human Services


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The Power of Choice

An educational program designed to guide young adolescents toward a healthier lifestyle.

September 2003; Updated November 2004

The Power of Choice

What is it?

The Power of Choice is a healthy lifestyle, after-school program targeted towards adolescents (ages 11-13).  It is designed to help build decision-making skills that promote healthier eating and activity choices in real-life settings. This program motivates both the preteen and the leader by focusing on positive behavioral changes that promote their personal development and improved lifestyles related to food and activity choices. 

How does it work?

The Power of Choice offers kids a chance to practice learning by doing, such as making four different kinds of drinks and analyzing their nutrients by using Nutrition Facts label skills or by scooping fat (shortening) into a plastic bag and determining how much of it is in a favorite food. The Leader's Guide is full of quick, simple things to do, including easy recipes and dancing to salsa music, most of which requires little or no pre-planning.  By using a fun, interactive approach, the program encourages preteens to get involved in activities that allow them explore the common link among healthy eating, food safety and fitness. 

What is on the CD?

The Leader's Guide:

  • 10 interactive, sequenced sessions
  • Four posters
  • Easy snack recipes, and a recipe booklet
  • 170 Nutrition Facts labels

Additional Resources include:

  • 27 minute self-training Video
  • 10 quick, hands-on activities
  • Tips for improving communication with adolescents
  • Ways to link to the community

All the materials on the CD are downloadable, however the posters are best printed in a large size. We recommend using a photocopy center when reproducing the posters.  


Additional Materials

All the materials found on this CD can also be downloaded directly from the USDA Team Nutrition website

In addition, a notebook version of The Power of Choice, including the supplemental posters, is available upon request to organizations participating in the USDA's Child Nutrition Programs.  Order a copy.


The HHS, Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the USDA, Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) collaborated to produce and distribute this publication. 
