
  • USAID Assistant Administrator Rudman, USAID Administrator Shah, and U.S. Ambassador Feierstein meet with Abyan Governor Al Aqel in Zinjibar, Yemen, ten days after the governorate was retaken from Al Qaeda by the Yemeni military (photo: AP)

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  • Young volunteers clean up a beach in Aden as part of USAID-supported activities for International Volunteer Day.

  • USAID provides educational opportunities for children in rural Yemen

Lambs Bring Hope for More Income
Lambs Bring Hope for More Income
The renovated Jadaan Cistern is built of natural stone that protects the water supply.
Mountain Town Gets Clean, Safe Water
Yemen’s Minister of Health addresses participants at a USAID-sponsored advocacy meeting in Sanaa
Using Egypt’s AIDS Program as a Model


Beginning in January 2011, citizens participating in peaceful demonstrations in Yemen’s cities expressed frustration at widespread corruption and the lack of economic opportunity. One year later, through an orderly political transition process, Yemen’s new coalition government continues to grapple with the longstanding challenges of creating jobs for the rapidly growing population, providing reliable electricity to the population centers and improving delivery of health and education services across the country.     

To help address underlying causes of instability in the country, USAID focuses on densely populated areas with an aim toward improving service delivery in the health, education and water sectors; generating economic livelihoods and growth through infrastructure rehabilitation, agricultural productivity and entrepreneurship; enhancing representative government by promoting inclusive decision-making and engagement with civil society; and providing youth with meaningful civic, social and economic opportunities.

Contact Information

Mission Contact

6330 Sanaa Place

Headquarters Contact

Lilian Wasvary, Desk Officer
U.S. Agency for International Development
1300 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW

Mission Director

Last updated: September 06, 2012