Statistical Agency under President of the Republic of Tajikistan

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  Socio-Economic Atlas of  









12.10.10. Statistical Agency staff will participate in training of «Concept for developing the human resource department ».Press-release  








Population and housing census will be held on 21-30 September 2010 in the

Republic of Tajikistan




 20.10. 2010 World Statistics Day


30.08.10.   Press-release "About the results of Labor Force Survey (LFS) 2009 in Tajikistan"

(By preliminary data from the total population of 7,5 million in 2009 1856,5 thousand persons was employed, total number of unemployment – 241,2 thousand persons, number of labor migrants– 519,9 thousand persons. Population employment level in the Republic is  39,4% from the population of 15-75 ages, total unemployment level – 11,5% from economically active population.)

26.08.10.  Press-release "About preparedness to the population and housing census conducting"

25.08.10. Staff of the Agency on Statistics was participated on training on the developing of modern methodology on questionnaires .( detailed).



24.08.10 The publication "Agriculture in the Republic of Tajikistan" for 1991, 2004-2009 was released.


12.08. 2010  The publication Socio-Economic Situation in Tajikistan for January - July 2010 was released  . 




9.08.10 The publication "Material-technical  support of Tajikistan" for  2005-2009 was released


25.07.10 The publication "Key indexes of survey on household's budget" for 2000-2009 was released.




23.07.2010 was held the Press-conference, where were participated 18  journalists, including from following newspapers "Jumkhuriat", "Sadoi Mardum", "Minbari Halq", TV and radio. Staff of the Agency on Statistics under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan answered on various questions as following: about population and housing census in the Republic of Tajikistan, consumer goods basket, confidentiality of statistical data, number of women in economically active population  and others. Before the conference beginning there were done  short performance by Mrs. Muhammadieva B. Z., Director of the Agency on statistics under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, about forthcoming population and housing census, results of Agency's work for the first half of the 2010 and  the social-economical situation of the Republic Tajikistan.

22.07.2010  was conducted the extend collegium by the results of  state statistics body's activity by the first  half year of 2010. On this collegium were participated the direction of  he Agency on Statistics under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, Main Computing Center, all local statistical bodies, and also the representatives of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan, ministries and administrations. The basic attention was attended to preparation and conducting on population and housing census in the Republic of Tajikistan in 21 - 30 September 2010.


1.07.2010 The publication "Education in Tajikistan" with indicators for  2009/2010 academic year in comparison with previous years  was released.




                      24.06.2010  Statistical Agency released  Food security and Poverty Information Bulletin for 1 quarter 2010

                                    (more information).     




18.06.2010 The publication "Tajikistan and regions" was released 





16.06.10   The publication "Population size of Tajikistan on 1 January 2010 "released. In pocketbook dates on population in regions, villages and oblasts of the Republic of Tajikistan, also dates on sex and age groups.








2. 06.  2010    The publication "Gender indices in dekhkan farms" for 2004-2009 released








 2. 06.  2010   The publication "Tajikistan in figures"-2010 released. 




9. 03. 2010 By President’s of the Republic of Tajikistan decree (No.832 on further improvement of central bodies of the executive government in the  Republic of Tajikistan) the State Committee for Statistics has been reorganized into the Statistical Agency under President of the Republic of Tajikistan


12 January 2010   The President of the Republic of Tajikistan has signed new Law of the Republic of Tajikistan «About state statistics»,  which was adopted by Majlisi   namoyandagon and  supported by Majlisi milli Majlisi Oli of the Republic of Tajikistan. This Law is regulated relations in the field of statistics and defined rights and duties

of the state agencies and the statistical divisions.



 Statistical data:



        19.02.2009 There were inserted the table on consumer price indexes in the fractionation on 360 name of goods and services,

                              which will be updated starting from January 2009, on site  in the section "database" .




 Record publications:


           25.03.2010  Goskomstat released  Food security and Poverty Information Bulletin for 4 quarter 2009

                                    (more information).     

           12.03 .2010 The publication Socio-Economic Situation in Tajikistan for January -March 2010 was released 

           12.03.2010 The publication Socio-Economic Situation in Tajikistan for January- February 2010 was released 

           12.02.2010 The publication Socio-Economic Situation in Tajikistan for January 2010 was released 

           13.01.2010 The publication Socio-Economic Situation in Tajikistan for 2009 was released 

           16.12.2009  Goskomstat released  Food security and Poverty Information Bulletin for 3 quarter 2009

                                    (more information).     

           10.10.2009  Goskomstat released  Food security and Poverty Information Bulletin for 2 quarter 2009

                                    (more information).     


           10.07.2009  Goskomstat released  Food security and Poverty Information Bulletin for 1 quarter 2009

                                    (more information).     


           30.03.2009   Goskomstat released  Food security and Poverty Information Bulletin for 4 quarter 2008

                                    (more information).     


            12.12.2008   Goskomstat released  Food security and Poverty Information Bulletin for 3 quarter 2008

                                    (more information).     


            13.10.2008   Goskomstat released  Food security and Poverty Information Bulletin for 2 quarter 2008

                                    (more information).     


             24.06.2008   Goskomstat released  Food security and Poverty Information Bulletin for I quarter 2008

                                    (more information).     


             31.03.2008   Goskomstat released  Food security and Poverty Information Bulletin for 4 quarter 2007

                                    (more information).     

            17.12. 2007   Goskomstat released  Food security and Poverty Information Bulletin for 3 quarter 2007

                                    (more information).  


             12.09. 2007   Goskomstat released  Food security and Poverty Information Bulletin for 2 quarter 2007

                                    (more information).  


            12.06. 2007   Goskomstat released  Food security and Poverty Information Bulletin for 1 quarter 2007

                                    (more information).  

            10.03. 2007   Goskomstat released  Food security and Poverty Information Bulletin for 4 quarter 2006

                                     (more information).   

            25.11. 2006  Goskomstat released  Food security and Poverty Information Bulletin for 3 quarter 2006

                                   where for the first time  were published some information of preliminary repot of Multiple Indicator Cluster

                                   Survey 2005 (MICS-3),  conducted by State Committee on Statistics of the Republic of Tajikistan  and

                                   UNICEF    (more information).

            25.09. 2006   Goskomstat released  Food security and Poverty Information Bulletin for 2 quarter 2006  

                                   (more information).

            01.06. 2006   Goskomstat released  Food security and Poverty Information Bulletin for 1 quarter 2006    

                                    (more information).         

            1.03.2006  Goskomstat has released  Food security and Poverty Information Bulletin for 4 quarter 2005

                                    (more information).

             17.02. 2006  Socio-Economic atlas of Tajikistan  including poverty map of the country, which is the part of  continued

                                   programme of the  World Bank with cooperation of the Government of Tajikistan - Dialog on the poverty

                                   issues was published on the site.

             16.12.2005   Goskomstat has released  Food security and Poverty Information Bulletin for 3 quarter 2005

                                   (more information).

              05.09.2005   Goskomstat has released  Food security and Poverty Information Bulletin for 2 quarter 2005

                                   (more information).

              10.06.2005   Goskomstat released  Food security and Poverty Information Bulletin for 1 quarter 2005

                                   (more information).         




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