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Technology Assessment & Research (TA&R) Program
Project Number 607
Date of Summary December 8, 2009

Assessing Risk and Modeling a Sudden Gas Release Due to Gas Pipeline Ruptures

Performing Activity SL Ross Environmental Research Ltd.
Principal Investigator Randy Belore
Contracting Agency Minerals Management Service
Estimated Completion Completed
Description The objective of this study was to develop a computer software solution to model the behavior of wet or dry gas from a single-phase sub-sea pipeline release (rupture) from sea-bed to harmless in-air concentration.

Work focused on nine tasks, including:

  1. Identification of Typical Gas Pipeline Release Scenarios,
  2. Estimation of Gas Pipeline Accident Probabilities,
  3. Modification of POSVCM for Gas Release from Sub-sea Pipeline,
  4. 3D Gas Rise Modeling,
  5. Graphical User Interface Modifications,
  6. Interfacing Sub-sea Gas Release to OCD Model,
  7. Testing and Validating Models,
  8. Sensitivity Modeling and Potential Impact Zone Assessment, and
  9. Report Preparation and Model Delivery.
Progress Held a kick-off meeting in February 2008 between Vendor and MMS. MMS received full version of model and guidance document in August 2009. A technical meeting was held in Camarillo, CA in October 9, 2009 to present work and illustrate model to MMS, other federal and state regulatory agencies, and pipeline operators in the California Region.
AA Assessing Risk and Modeling a Sudden Gas Release Due to Gas Pipeline Ruptures, July 2009, S.L. Ross Environmental Research Ltd., Ottawa, Canada, SINTEF, Trondheim, Norway, and Wellflow Dynamics, Oslo, Norway.
AB Users Manual for Gas Pipeline Rupture Release Rate and Behavior Estimation Model (WCDGAS) . Contact MMS @ 703-787-1687 for a copy of the model, available on CD.

Last Updated: 10/24/2011, 09:36 AM Central Time