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Technology Assessment & Research (TA&R) Program
Project Number 525
Date of Summary January 25, 2006
Subject Hydrotest Alternative JIP – For Deepwater Gas Export Pipelines
Performing Activity Intec Engineering and Det Norske Veritas
Principal Investigator Guillermo Hahn (Intec) and Jorn Spiten (DNV)
Contracting Agency Minerals Management Service
Estimated Completion Complete
Description The mission of the JIP was to develop a rational hydrotest alternative methodology for deepwater gas export pipelines, and deliver a draft recommended practice (DRP) for implementation on select pilot projects. The execution of the JIP requires a comprehensive approach in order to develop a hydrotest alternative that is practical and provides the same level of pipeline-integrity assurance as the current hydrotest method.

The JIP was co-managed by Intec Engineering and Det Norske Veritas and focused strictly on deepwater export gas pipelines. Phase I execution was divided into five tasks. Tasks 1 and 2 intended to review available material and provide background information with Task 1 focusing on hydrotest-related data and previous work and Task 2 devoted to reviewing regulations, codes, and previous hydrotest waiver cases. With the background provided by Tasks 1 and 2, the formulation and development of the hydrotest alternative methodology became the goals of Task 3. Interface work with industry and regulatory agencies was executed under Task 4, to ensure that the expectations of operators and regulators were met by the DRP. Task 5 provided the final written report . Phase 2 which was proposed but not executed, would have broadened the scope with regard to the type of pipelines, i.e., shallow water gas pipelines and pilot project implementations of Phase I.

Progress A Phase I kick-off meeting was held January 25, 2005. In July 2005, MMS received a draft final report and draft recommended practice (DRP) as a result from the work completed under Phase I of this JIP. Review of the July Report and DRP resulted in MMS/DOT's rejection of the alternative provided. Since MMS did not co-fund this effort, we have no publication rights to the report and Draft Recommended Practice therefore should you had need for the research results, requests can be made to Intec Engineering of Houston, TX.

Last Updated: 12/22/2010, 09:38 AM Central Time