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Technology Assessment & Research (TA&R) Program
Project Number 407
Date of Summary September 22, 2004
Subject Damage Tolerance of Synthetic-Fiber Mooring Ropes, Phase I: Small-Scale Experiments
Performing Activity CEAC, University of Houston
Principal Investigator Li, Miyase, Williams and Wang
Contracting Agency Minerals Management Service
Estimated Completion Completed
Description Research pm the damage tolerance of Synthetic-Fiber Mooring ropes for use on MODU’s. Analysis of controlled, damage-tolerance, static tension tests on elements and sub-rope components taken directly from representative polyester mooring rope products. This research laid a foundation into the behavior of ropes with damage including more sophisticated analytical modeling.
AA (65 pages)

AA  Li, D., Miyase, A., Williams, J.G., and Wang, S., Damage Tolerance of Synthetic Fiber Mooring Ropes-Phase I: Small Scale Experiments, CEAC, University of Houston, Final Report 2002.

Last Updated: 12/23/2010, 12:31 PM Central Time