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Technology Assessment & Research (TA&R) Program
Project Number 393
Date of Summary October 25, 2001
Subject Total Lifecycle Cost Model for Subsea Multiphase Boosting Operations
Performing Activity Det Norske Veritas (USA)
Principal Investigator Havard Brandt
Contracting Agency Minerals Management Service
Completion August 2001
Description In deeper waters, well fluids must travel longer distances (both horizontally and vertically), to reach offshore treatment facilities. The ability to boost (or pump) these untreated fluids has the potential to increase ultimate recovery and accelerate production. Multiphase pumps have become a mature technology onshore, but there is still little experience with their use offshore. This JIP was aimed at developing a tool to support the selection of cost-optimum solutions and maintenance strategies for subsea multiphase boosting in deepwater. This tool was a probabilistic model for assessing the reliability-based lifecycle cost for subsea multiphase boosting in deepwater. The model can be applied to evaluate the cost/benefit of different systems and maintenance strategies to find the most optimum solution.
Progress The project was completed in August 2001.
AA (115 pages) PDF Brandt, Havard, et al., Life Cycle Cost Analysis of Subsea Multiphase Booster Pumps, Det Norske Veritas(USA), Final Report, December 2001.

Last Updated: 12/22/2010, 10:38 AM Central Time