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Technology Assessment & Research (TA&R) Program
Project Number 366
Date of Summary March 01, 2003
Subject Dynamic Analysis Tool for Moored Tanker-Based FPSOs, Including Large Yaw Motions
Performing Activity Texas A&M University, Offshore Technology Research Center (OTRC)
Principal Investigator M.H. Kim
Contracting Agency Minerals Management Service
Estimated Completion Project Completed on December 08, 2004.
Description For the safety of an FPSO in survival conditions, it is important to accurately predict any extreme response and the maximum mooring tension during a storm.  This study will examine a mooring/riser dynamic analysis program and compare its predictions with OTRC experiments.

The PI, Kim et al. has developed powerful software called WINPOST for hull/mooring/riser nonlinear coupled dynamic analysis in time domain. Program has been extensively tested and verified against experimental results for various kinds of Spars and TLPs. WINPOST has since been extended to turret-moored FPSO analysis including large yaw motions, and successfully compared against other Deep Star FPSO results and Marin's experiments. Further testing has been extended to handle FPSO-shuttle combinations both in tandem and side-by-side mooring cases. This now in development will be verified against future OTRC experiments. It is anticipated to handle more complicated multi-body systems with more complicated combinations of mooring lines, such as Spar/TLP-drilling barge-FPU combinations.

The project was completed on December 08, 2004.

AA  PDF 1099 Kb M. H. Kim, Dynamic Analysis Tool for Moored Tanker-Based FPSO's including Large Yaw Motions

Last Updated: 12/22/2010, 09:37 AM Central Time