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Technology Assessment & Research (TA&R) Program
Project Number 210
Date of Summary March 31, 1994
Subject Hurricane Andrew Effects on Offshore Platforms
Performing Activity PMB Engineering, Inc.
Principal Investigator Mr. Frank J. Puskar
Contracting Agency Minerals Management Service
Estimated Completion Complete
Description This is a Joint Industry Project (JIP) to inspect and analyze three Chevron platforms in South Timbalier field. Two survived Hurricane Andrew, the other toppled during the hurricane. The intent is to compare analytical predictions with actual field performance, with particular emphasis on individual member and platform system failure. This assessment will be used in developing guidelines to be incorporated in the American Petroleum Institute (API) RP2A.
Progress Complete


AA (48 pages) File in Adobe's Portable Document Format (PDF) . Edwards, K., Underwater Inspection Operations Report: Chevron's Structures ST 130 A, ST 130 QTRS, and ST 151 K, Final Report submitted by Oceaneering International, November, 1993.
AB (151 pages) File in Adobe's Portable Document Format (PDF) . Hurricane Andrew Platform Inspection and Analysis, Final Report submitted by PMB Engineering, Inc., June, 1994.
AC (70 pages) File in Adobe's Portable Document Format (PDF) . Assess the Effect of API RP 2A 20th Edition Criteria on the Design of Offshore Caisson-Type Platforms, Final Report submitted by PMB Engineering, Inc., July 1994.
AD (648 pages) File in Adobe's Portable Document Format (PDF) . Benchmark Analysis - Trial Application of API RP 2A - WSD Draft Section 17 (Two Volumes), Final Report submitted by PMB Engineering, Inc., December 1994.
AE (85 pages) File in Adobe's Portable Document Format (PDF) . Trial Application of API RP 2A - WSD Draft Section 17 Draft Final Report submitted by PMB Engineering, Inc., September 1994.


Last Updated: 12/22/2010, 09:37 AM Central Time