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Fall 2011 Vol. 55, Number 3

Work for play: Careers in video game development
Drew Liming and Dennis Vilorio

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Paving the occupational path: A new system for assigning education and training
Elka Maria Torpey

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Helping those in need: Human service workers
Colleen Teixeira Moffat

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Fall 2011 Vol. 55, Number 3
Entire Fall 2011 issue
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Grab bag
Brief items of interest to counselors and students.
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You're a what?
You're a what? Psychometrician
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Elka Maria Torpey

Quits versus layoffs and discharges, seasonally adjusted, December 2000 to June 2011
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U.S. Department of Labor
Bureau of Labor Statistics

Last Updated: September 28, 2011