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Blog Category: Growth

Administration's Budget Proposal Seeks Investments in Innovation, Clean Energy, Infrastructure and Job Creation

U.S. flag over entrance of Department of Commerce.

President Barack Obama today submitted to Congress an $8.9 billion FY 2011 budget request for the U.S. Commerce Department. The budget reflects priorities that will spur the growth of U.S. exports and the jobs that come with them, improve our scientific and technological capabilities and upgrade our capabilities for weather and climate observations and forecasting. (Press release)

Under Secretary Blank Statement on Third Estimate of GDP in the Third Quarter 2009

Portrait of Blank.

The U.S. Commerce Department’s Bureau of Economic Analysis released the third estimate of gross domestic product for the third quarter of 2009. Growth in real GDP was 2.2 percent at an annual rate, revised from the previous estimate of 2.8 percent. “The third-quarter gain marked the start of an economic recovery after a very deep recession,” U.S. Commerce Under Secretary Rebecca Blank said. “Consumer spending, residential construction and imports and exports have all moved from declines into positive growth in the third quarter.” (More) (Release)

Secretary Locke and Vice President Biden Host Middle Class Task Force Meeting Focused on Manufacturing

Official White House logo

Secretary Gary Locke joined Vice President Joe Biden to host a Middle Class Task Force meeting on the future of manufacturing. At the meeting, Biden announced the administration’s support for up to $10 billion in additional funding for a successful Recovery Act program to accelerate job growth in clean energy manufacturing—tripling the funding of the Recovery Act’s Advanced Energy Manufacturing Tax Credit. Other meeting participants included Labor Secretary Hilda Solis, Director of the National Economic Council Lawrence Summers, and business, labor and academic leaders in the manufacturing sector. (Remarks) (Middle Class Task Force Web site)

Secretary Locke to Attend White House Forum on Jobs and Economic Growth

Official White House logo. Click to go to

U.S. Commerce Secretary Gary Locke will participate in a forum on Jobs and Economic Growth Thursday, Dec. 3, at the White House. The forum is an opportunity for President Obama and the economic team to hear from CEOs, small business owners, labor leaders and nonprofit heads about ideas for continuing to grow the economy and put Americans back to work. Locke will moderate a panel discussion on competitiveness and job creation with Christina Romer, Chair of the Council of Economic Advisers, and make remarks at the closing session before introducing President Obama. Afternoon sessions and several discussion groups on jobs will be streamed live on the White House Web site.

Secretary Locke Addresses National DEC Conference on Importance of Exporting

District Export Council logo. Click to go to Web site.

U.S. Commerce Secretary Gary Locke spoke at the National District Export Council Conference (DEC). Locke discussed efforts to promote the sale of U.S. goods and services overseas, efforts that will create sustainable economic growth and good-paying jobs. Exporters from around the country discussed trade issues and exporting best practices. This year’s theme was “Global Competitiveness and the Opportunities for U.S. Exporters.” U.S. Trade Representative Ron Kirk, U.S. Small Business Administration Administrator Karen Mills, and Export-Import Bank Chairman and President Fred Hochberg joined Locke at the conference. (More) (Remarks)

Secretary Locke Announces $8.65 Million in EDA Grants in Four States to Create Jobs, Strengthen the Economy

Economic Development Administration seal. Click to go to EDA Web site.

U.S. Commerce Secretary Gary Locke announced $8.65 million in Economic Development Administration (EDA) grants in four states, including Pittsburgh, Penn., Fairmont, W.Va., Davis, W.Va., Roseburg, Ore. and Eagle Pass, Texas. EDA is an agency within the U.S. Department of Commerce that partners with distressed communities throughout the United States to foster economic growth and job creation.Its mission is to lead the federal economic development agenda by promoting innovation and competitiveness and preparing American regions for growth and success in the global economy.

Secretary Locke Visits West Virginia Plant to Highlight ARRA Success, Job Creation, with Senator Rockefeller

President Mark Savan, Senator Rockefeller, Secretary Locke Governor Manchin watch as a plant work er demonstrates a product. Click for larger image.

U.S. Commerce Secretary Gary Locke visited Simonton Windows in West Virginia with Senator Jay Rockefeller and Governor Joe Manchin to celebrate the return of 200 employees to the company, thanks to the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA). Combining Recovery Act energy tax credits and their own example of smart investment to stimulate real growth, Simonton Windows was able to rehire workers it had previously laid off at West Virginia plants. (More)

Secretary Locke Chairs First Trade Promotion Coordinating Committee Meeting

U.S. Commerce Secretary Gary Locke chaired the Obama administration’s first meeting of the Trade Promotion Coordinating Committee (TPCC) and focused on initiatives to help boost U.S. exports, spur economic growth and create jobs. Secretary Locke was joined by U.S. Trade Representative Ron Kirk, Larry Summers, Director of the National Economic Council, and other top administration officials from 20 federal agencies on the White House campus. (More) (Remarks)

Anaheim Receives $7.2 Million in Federal Funds to Create Jobs, Strengthen Economy

Recipients and officials holding presentation check. Click for larger image.

U.S. Deputy Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Economic Development Brian P. McGowan presented a $7.2 million Economic Development Administration (EDA) grant to the city of Anaheim to create jobs in the Anaheim Canyon. The project is expected to create 1,900 jobs and generate $570 million in private investment, according to grantee estimates. EDA is an agency within the U.S. Department of Commerce that partners with distressed communities throughout the United States to foster economic growth and job creation. (More)

Secretary Locke Extols Promise of U.S.-Latin American Cooperation

Secretary Locke on the podium.

In remarks before the Association of American Chambers of Commerce in Latin America (ACCLA), Secretary of Commerce Gary Locke outlined a vision for enhanced cooperation in the hemisphere based on expanded trade and a renewed focus on corporate social responsibility efforts by U.S. companies. “. . . it’s time for America to get back to what it does best: building and exporting products around the world that help people live healthier, wealthier and more productive lives,” Locke said. “Latin America will be a key ally in this effort to restore economic growth. And I'm excited to have AACCLA as a crucial Commerce partner in working with our friends in the hemisphere.” (Remarks)