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Greenhouse Gas Reporting Program


The refinery sector consists of 145 facilities that produce gasoline, gasoline blending stocks, naphtha, kerosene, distillate fuel oils, residual fuel oils, lubricants, or asphalt (bitumen) by the distillation of petroleum or the redistillation, cracking, or reforming of unfinished petroleum derivatives. GHG process emissions from this sector include emissions from venting, flares, and fugitive leaks from equipment (e.g., valves, flanges, pumps). Besides the emissions from petroleum refining processes, the sector includes combustion emissions from stationary combustion units and flares located at these facilities. Approximately 12% of refineries use continuous emissions monitoring equipment to measure GHG emissions from some of their emission sources. Excluded from this sector are the emissions from industrial production processes not related to petroleum refining that take place at some refineries. For example, process emissions from hydrogen production or petrochemical production are included in the chemical manufacturing sector.

Refineries Sector 2010 Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reported to the GHGRP

  • Number of facilities: 145
  • Total emissions (CO2e): 182.7 million metric tons
  • Emissions by category (CO2e):

Biogenic emissions are NOT included in the total emissions or in the total emissions by process.

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