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Multifamily Housing: Lender's Queue
Serving Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi, North Carolina, Puerto Rico/Virgin Islands, South Carolina and Tennessee

Atlanta, GA as of 09/06/2012

Queue Number Received date FHA # Status  Estimated Completion Date
1 06/23/11 061-35762 Firm Invite Issued 09/16/12
2 03/08/12 061-35774 Firm Invite Issued 09/21/12
3 03/30/12 061-35777 Firm Invite Issued 11/30/12
4 04/26/12 061-11241 Firm Issued 09/30/12
5 04/24/12 061-35777 Firm Issued 11/17/12
6 05/16/12 061-35778 Firm Issued 09/26/12
7 05/16/12 061-35779 Firm Issued 10/24/12
8 05/16/12 061-35780 Firm Issued 10/21/12
9 05/29/12 061-35781. Firm Issued 10/30/12
10 05/29/12 061-35782 Firm Issued 11/04/12
11 01/30/12 061-35771 Firm Invite Issued 10/12/12
12 06/11/12  061-11243 Peliminary Reject 09/11/12 
13 06/15/12 061-35768  Firm Issued 10/09/12
14 06/06/12  061-38006 Firm Issued 10/30/12
15 07/06/12  061-11244  Technical Processing  09/30/12
16 07/17/12 061-11245 Firm Issued 10/22/12
17 07/26/12 061-35788 Firm Issued 11/15/12
18 07/30/12 061-11246 Technical Processing 10/19/12
19 07/30/12 061-35789. Technical Processing 09/15/12
20 08/27/12 061-35793 Technical Processing 10/26/12
21 08/27/12 061-35792 Technical Processing 10/26/12
22 08/20/12 061-35790 Firm Issued 11/01/12
23 08/21/12 061-11247 Firm Issued 12/04/12
24 08/21/12 061-11249 Technical Processing 10/14/12
25 08/23/12 061-35791 Firm Issued 12/04/12
26 09/05/12 061-35794 Firm Issued 12/04/12
27 09/06/12 061-35795 Technical Processing 11/05/12

San Juan, PR as of 08/24/2012

Queue Number Received date FHA # Status  Estimated Completion Date
1 06/03/11 056-11019 Firm - Preliminary Reject 07/17/12
2 10/27/11 056-11020 Firm Issued 07/23/12
3 02/27/12 056-11022 Firm - Issued 04/25/12
4 02/28/12 056-11023 Firm - Issued 05/16/12
5 02/29/12 056-11024 Firm - Issued 05/24/12
6 02/27/12 056-11025 Firm - Received 08/31/12

Knoxville, TN as of 08/24/2012

Queue Number Received date FHA # Status  Estimated Completion Date
1 11/08/10 087-35246 Closing scheduled 8/28/12. Amended firm 8/22 08/28/12
2 03/01/12 087-00033 Awaiting closing to occur.  Extnd firm to 9/8/12. 09/08/12
3 05/14/12 087-11075 Received draft closing docs 8/22/12. 09/30/12
4 05/23/12 087-11076 Awaiting draft closing docs. Recd amend request. 09/30/12
5 06/14/12 087-11077 Awaiting draft closing docs. Amended firm 8/14. 09/30/12
6 08/02/11 087-35252 Invitation letter extended to 8/26/12. 08/26/12
7 12/27/11 087-35257 Firm application in MAP technical review/proc.  08/31/12
8 07/03/12 087-35259 Invite letter issued 8/14/12. Firm app due 12/12. 12/12/12
9 07/13/12 087-00034 Awaiting rate lock.  Firm issued 8/8/12. 09/15/12
10 07/16/12 087-35260 Awaiting rate lock.  Firm issued 8/13/12. 09/15/12
11 07/31/12 087-35261 Awaiting rate lock.  Firm issued 8/20/12. 09/15/12
12 08/02/12 087-11078 Firm application in MAP technical review/proc. 08/31/12
13 08/17/12 087-11079 Firm application in MAP technical review/proc. 09/14/12

Louisville, KY as of 08/24/2012

Queue Number Received date FHA # Status  Estimated Completion Date
1 06/01/11 083-35717 Awaiting national loan committee review  
2 10/13/11 083-35721 Pre-application invitation letter issued  
3 01/09/12 083-11158 Firm commitment issued  
4 05/03/12 083-35726 Firm commitment issued  
5 05/22/12 083-35728 Firm commitment issued  
6 06/14/12 083-35730 Firm commitment issued  
7 07/16/12 083-11164 Waiting for lender response to deficiencies/Preliminary Reject Issued  
8 07/25/12 083-11165 Waiting for lender response to deficiencies/Preliminary Reject Issued  
9 08/07/12 083-35731 In technical processing/staff review 09/06/12

Nashville, TN as of 08/24/2012

Queue Number Received date FHA # Status  Estimated Completion Date
3 5/11/2012 8635342 Reopended processing 7/24/2012
4 6/15/2012 8635360 In technical processing 8/15/2012
  12/2/2011 8611069 Issued 6-20-12 Close nlt 8-19-12
  12/12/2011 8635354 Firm Commitment re-issued 7-19-12 Close nlt 9-19-12
  1/20/2012 8111071 Issued 6-22-12 Close nlt 8-21-12
  1/20/2012 8111072 Issued 6-22-12 Close nlt 8-21-12
  6/13/2012 8611072 Firm Commitment Issued 7-5-12 Close nlt 10-3-12
  2/24/2012 8611070 Closed 7-17-12 Close nlt 7-17-12
1 3/26/2012 8635357 Preparing HLC docs 7/27/2012
5 6/28/2012 8611074 In technical processing 7/28/2012
6 6/28/2012 8611073 In technical processing 7/28/2012
2 4/12/2012 8635358 Downloaded the HLC Sharepoint 7/27/2012
  4/16/2012 8611072 Commitment Issued 7-3-12 Close nlt 10-1-12
  4/25/2012 8135276 Sent to OHAP/PC notified of delay 5/26/2012
7 6/25/2012 8635361 In technical processing 8/24/2012

Columbia, SC as of 08/29/2012

Queue Number Received date FHA # Status  Estimated Completion Date
  7/27/2012 054-11108 Received draft closing docs 9/5/2012
    054-35785 Firm Issued-Awaiting Closing docs  
  8/8/2012 054-11110 Received draft closing docs 9/8/2012
  8/24/2012 054-35786 Received draft closing docs 9/24/2012
    054-55015 Firm Issued-Awaiting Closing docs  
    054-55016 Firm Issued-Awaiting Closing docs  
    054-32005 Firm Issued-Awaiting Closing docs  
  8/28/2012 054-35787 Received draft closing docs 9/28/2012
    054-35788 Firm Issued-Awaiting Closing docs  
    054-35789 Firm Issued-Awaiting Closing docs  
    054-11111 Firm Issued-Awaiting Closing docs  
    054-35790 Firm Issued-Awaiting Closing docs  
1 6/29/2012 054-35791 221d4 -Awaiting Nat' Loan Committee Review 9/5/2012
2 7/9/2012 054-35792 221d4 -Pre-app In processing 9/7/2012
    054-35793 Firm Issued-Awaiting Closing docs  
3 7/25/2012 054-35794 221d4-Firm In processing 9/21/2012
4 8/10/2012 054-11112 223F -Waiting for Lender Response 9/21/2012
    054-35795 Firm Issued-Awaiting Closing docs  
5 8/28/2012 054-35796 221d4-Pre-app Received 10/26/2012
(P) = Preapp
(F) = Firm

Greensboro, NC as of 08/30/2012

Queue Number Received date FHA # Status  Estimated Completion Date
3 02/16/12 053-36020 In technical processing/staff review (of lender's response to preliminary reject) 09/12/12
1 03/08/12 053-11277 In technical processing/staff review (of lender's response to preliminary reject) 09/07/12
  06/08/12 053-36056 Firm Commitment Issued 8/23/12  
  06/29/12 053-36116 Preliminary rejection issued 8/24/12  
  6/29/2012 053-36084 Preliminary rejection issued 8/30/12  
6 8/3/2012 053-36121 In technical processing/staff review 09/24/12
  8/3/2012 053-36122 Firm Commitment issued 8/29/12  
4 7/20/2012 053-36120 In technical processing/staff review 9/12/2012
2 8/13/2012 053-36123 In technical processing/staff review 09/11/12
9 8/20/2012 053-32009  In technical processing/staff review 10/17/12
8 8/20/2012 053-11287 In technical processing/staff review 10/17/12
5 8/24/2012 053-11288 In technical processing/staff review 09/21/12
7 8/30/2012 053-36124 In technical processing/staff review 9/26/2012
Status Column Descriptions
Queue Number
Place in the queue of Applications.
Received Date
Date on which the application was placed in queue (determined to be complete, fee accepted, entered in DAP).
Identification number assigned by FHA after fee has been processed.
Current status of application submitted. 
Status Actions
Application received and EWS assessment initiated
In technical processing/staff review
Awaiting hub loan committee review
Awaiting national loan committee review
Waiting for lender response to deficiencies
Pre-application invitation letter issued
Firm commitment issued
Preliminary Reject Issued
Estimated Completion Date
Projected date that a decisions will be issued.  This date will be updated every two weeks. 

Jacksonville, FL as of 09/10/12

Queue Number Received date FHA # Status  Estimated Completion Date
* 04/04/12 06711172 Firm issued 08/24/12
* 04/13/12 06735468 Pending Information from Lender for appeal  
* 05/17/12 06711175 Pending HUB Committee Review 09/30/12
1 05/29/12 06711177 Pending HUB Committee Submission 09/30/12
2 05/31/12 06711178 Pending HUB Committee Submission 09/30/12
* 06/22/12 06335325 Pending HUB Committee Appeal 10/15/12
3 06/18/12 06735469 TAX Credit Deadline In Procssing 10/15/12
4 08/27/12 06735470 PRE-AP In tech processing/staff review 10/30/12
5 06/12/12 06711179 In technical processing/staff review 10/30/12
* 07/03/12 06311082 Firm Issued on resubmitted application 09/07/12
* 07/03/12 06311083 Firm Issued on resubmitted application 09/05/12
6 06/22/12 06311082 In technical processing/staff review 10/30/12
7 06/22/12 06311086 In technical processing/staff review 10/30/12
8 07/02/12 06311087 In technical processing/staff review 11/15/12
9 07/12/12 06711180 In technical processing/staff review 11/15/12
10 08/03/12 06311088 In technical processing/staff review 11/30/12
11 08/08/12 06311088 In technical processing/staff review 11/30/12
12 08/24/12 06311088 In technical processing/staff review 11/30/12
A7 06/27/12 06611124 Firm Issued 08/16/12
A7 07/25/12 06394020 Firm Issued 09/07/12
A7 07/30/12 06694033 In technical processing/staff review 09/30/12
A7 08/03/12 06335334 In technical processing/staff review 09/30/12
A7 08/24/12 066xxxxx In technical processing/staff review 10/15/12
A7 08/24/12 067xxxxx In technical processing/staff review 10/15/12

Birmingham, AL as of 09/10/2012

Queue Number Received date FHA # Status  Estimated Completion Date
* 09/10/12 062XXXXX App Received N/A
* 09/06/12 062XXXXX App Received N/A
* 09/05/12 06211168 Tech Screening N/A
* 08/29/12 06211167 Deficiencies to Lender N/A
* 08/28/12 06211166 Deficiencies to Lender N/A
2 08/24/12 06235717 Technical Processing 09/28/12
* 08/23/12 06211165 Preliminary Reject N/A
6 08/15/12 06235716 Technical Processing 11/01/12
3 08/09/12 06211162 Technical Processing 09/28/12
4 08/09/12 06211163 Technical Processing 10/04/12
5 08/09/12 06211164 Tech Processing 10/04/12
* 08/01/12 06211161 Preliminary Rejection N/A
* 07/31/12 06211160 Rejection N/A
* 07/26/12 06235714 Preliminary Rejection N/A
* 07/24/12 06211159 Preliminary Rejection N/A
1 06/12/12 06211157 Hub LC Review 09/07/12
* 06/11/12 06211158 Preliminary Rejection N/A
* 06/05/12 11511189 Preliminary Rejection  
* 05/01/12 06235711 FC Issued-Recd from OHAP/Processed by BMFPC 07/19/12
* 04/17/12 06235710 FC Issued-Recd from OHAP/Processed by BMFPC 06/15/12
* 03/28/12 06235709 FC Issued-Recd from OHAP/Processed by BMFPC 07/17/12
* 03/22/12 06235708 Firm Commitment Amended 07/24/12
7 06/30/10 06335321 Technical Processing N/A
* 09/20/11 06235705 Firm Commitment Issued 08/30/12