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New CDC STD Treatment Guidelines for Gonorrhea

On August 9, 2012, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) published “Update to CDC’s Sexually Transmitted Diseases Guidelines: Oral Cephalosporins No Longer a Recommended Treatment for Gonococcal Infections,” in the Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report. The most significant change is that CDC no longer recommends an exclusively oral treatment regimen for gonorrhea. It is hoped that this new protocol might slow the emergence of drug resistance by ensuring that gonorrheal infections are quickly cured. To view the full recommendation, please click

Posted 08/1/12

New Coverage for Women’s Preventive Health Services under Affordable Care Act Begins

August 1 marks a new day for women’s health! It is the turning point when insurance policies will begin a new requirement to cover preventive health care services for women. An expected 47 million women will have guaranteed access to women’s preventive services with zero cost sharing under the Affordable Care Act. You can view HHS Secretary Sebelius' blog on White on Giving Women Control Over Their Health Care at

In addition, please visit for related news on women’s prevention at

Read More about the Affordable Care Act
Posted 08/1/12

New Funding Opportunity Announcement for Family Planning Services

On August 1, 2012, the Office of Population Affairs announced the anticipated availability of Fiscal Year 2013 funds for family planning services grants. Approximately $94 million will be available for competing Title X Family Planning Services Grants in 27 areas across the United States, including identified areas in the Pacific Basin. The funding announcement seeks applications from all qualified public and private nonprofit entities, to provide voluntary family planning services, with priority for services to persons from low-income families. The “Announcement of Anticipated Availability of Funds for Family Planning Services Grants” is available in

For more information visit Grants & Funding
Posted 08/1/12

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recently released this chart which compares cervical cancer screening guidelines issued by various organizations.

View the PDF (91KB)
Posted 05/16/12

Announcement of Availability of FY 2012 Funds for Cooperative Agreements for Family Planning Research

The Office of Population Affairs is pleased to announce a new research funding opportunity. This announcement seeks applications for practice-based research that will test an evidence-informed model of contraceptive counseling in clinical settings. Applications are due June 11, 2012. All applications must be submitted through

To access the announcement and application package:

  1. Select
  2. Select 'Apply for Grants'
  3. Select 'Step 1: Download a Grant Application’

Insert the Funding Announcement Number in the format: PA-FPR-12-001

Grant Solutions
Posted 04/23/12

Announcement of Availability of FY 2012 Funds for Cooperative Agreements for Training and Technical Assistance Projects Supported by the Office of Population Affairs and the Division of STD Prevention:

The Office of Population Affairs (OPA) and CDC’s Division of STD Prevention is pleased to announce a new training and technical assistance funding opportunity. This announcement has two parts, Part A seeks applications for four (4) OPA national training and technical assistance centers, and Part B seeks applications for ten (10) STD-related reproductive health prevention training and technical assistance training centers to support a reduction in STD-related infertility in women and men. Applications are due June 11, 2012. All applications must be submitted through

To access the announcement and application package:

  1. Select
  2. Select 'Find Grant Opportunities’
  3. Select ‘Advance Search”

Insert the Funding Announcement Number in the format: PA-FPT-12-011 or CFDA – 93.260

Grant Solutions

FY 2012 Funding Opportunity Announcement – Training and Technical Assistance Projects supported by the Office of Population Affairs and the Division of STD Prevention, CDC Webinar

Thursday, April 26, 2012, 12:00 PM Eastern time

This webinar will provide an overview of recently posted “FY 2012 Announcement of Availability of Funds for Training and Technical Assistance Projects Supported by the Office of Population Affairs, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health, and the Division of STD Prevention, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.” The discussion will include the application process, the structure of the funding announcement, the content, and objectives of the training centers and a question and answer period.

This webinar will be recorded and made available on the OPA website at The webinars are viewable on the OPA website two weeks from the originally scheduled call date.

Dial-in Number: 888-606-5919

Participant Passcode: 3296116


Conference Number: PW5452910

Audience Passcode: 3296116

Participants can join the event directly at:
Posted 04/20/12

FDA modifies warning on blood clot risk from birth control pills containing drospirenone

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has completed its review of studies regarding the risk of blood clots in women taking birth control pills containing drospirenone (DRSP). Based on this review, the FDA has concluded that DRSP-containing oral contraceptives may be associated with a higher risk for blood clots than other progestin-containing pills.

DRSP is a synthetic version of the female hormone, progesterone, also referred to as a progestin. FDA is requiring that drug labels be revised to report that some epidemiologic studies reported as high as a three-fold increase in the risk of blood clots for DRSP-containing products when compared with products containing levonorgestrol or some other progestins, whereas other epidemiological studies found no additional risk of blood clots with products containing DRSP. The labels will also include a summary of the previously released results of an FDA-funded study of the blood clot risk.

FDA recommends that women talk to their healthcare professional about their risk for blood clots before deciding which birth control method to use. Healthcare professionals should consider the risks and benefits of DRSP-containing birth control pills and a woman’s risk for developing a blood clot before prescribing these drugs.

The revisions apply to the brand-name contraceptives: Beyaz, Gianvi, Loryna, Ocella, Safyral, Syeda, Yasmin, Yaz and Zarah, as well as two generic formulations (MedPage Today, 4/10/12). DRSP birth control pills are among the most popular oral contraceptives in the US, largely because they are marketed to clear up acne and alleviate other hormone-related issues.

The FDA notice can be found HERE.
Posted 04/13/12

Long Acting Reversible Contraception Webinar

OPA held Long Acting Reversible Contraception Webinar (LARC) on February 22, 2012
Posted 02/27/12

Substance Abuse Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment Webinar

Substance Abuse Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT) in Family Planning Settings webinar that OPA held on January 11, 2012.
Posted 01/18/12

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