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IAQ Tools for Schools

Basic Information

EPA developed the Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) Tools for Schools guidance to reduce exposures to indoor environmental contaminants in schools through the voluntary adoption of sound and effective IAQ management practices.

These resources are designed to help schools create and maintain healthy indoor learning environments by identifying, correcting and preventing common issues. Poor indoor environmental quality can impact the comfort and health of students and staff, which can affect concentration, attendance and academic performance. In addition, if schools fail to respond promptly to poor IAQ, students and staff are at an increased risk of short-term health problems, such as fatigue and nausea, as well as long-term problems like asthma.

Over time, EPA has learned what it takes to create successful and lasting IAQ management programs. This tremendous knowledge base evolved into the Framework for Effective School IAQ Management: Key Drivers and Technical Solutions, building blocks for developing a system of IAQ success. Together, the Key Drivers and Technical Solutions give schools step-by-step actions to build effective and enduring IAQ management programs.
IAQ Tools for Schools Action Kit The IAQ Tools for Schools Action Kit provides simple, easy-to-follow guidance that will help you put the Key Drivers and Technical Solutions into action in your school district. The resources, checklists and publications compiled into the Action Kit assist school districts in identifying the actions they can take to successfully plan and implement an effective IAQ management program.

Get the Kit

The IAQ Tools for Schools guidance has been implemented successfully in tens of thousands of schools nationwide. Join this growing network of schools and school districts that are making the effort to create healthy and safe school environments.

IAQ Tools for Schools Action Kit IAQ Design Tools for Schools Develop Your Program Health and Achievement Technical Solutions Academic Performance Asthma Case Studies IAQ Champions Webinars E-Newsletters Multimedia Connect to the Network Publications/Resources Lesson Plans Indoor Air Quality

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