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Yizkor Book Project
Our goal is to facilitate access to Yizkor Books and the information contained in them

Translations   Read translations that are currently on our web site.
Donate a translation - Learn how to set up a translation project, how to raise funds, how to include images, and read suggested guidelines on translation.
Donate money for a translation - Support translations projects, using the JewishGen-erosity online donation form.
Dedication Plaques on the Yizkor Book translation pages.
Necrology Index   Search the index for the names of persons in the necrologies -- the lists of Holocaust martyrs -- published in the translated yizkor books.
Bibliographic Database   Search our master database to find Yizkor Books for a location, and libraries that have the books.
InfoFiles   Browse information files that list Libraries with Yizkor Books, Retail Establishments with Yizkor Books, and Yizkor Book Translators.
Discussion Group   Join the Yizkor Book Discussing Group (Mailing List), where you can make inquiries and and learn more about Yizkor Books.
Links   Find information from other sources on the web and in print about European locations and Yizkor Books.
Frequently Asked
  Learn more about yizkor books and the Yizkor Book Project.

Yizkor (Memorial) Books are some of the best sources for learning about Jewish communities in Eastern and Central Europe.  Groups of former residents, or landsmanshaftn, have published these books as a tribute to their former homes and the people who were murdered during the Holocaust.  The majority of these books were written in Hebrew or Yiddish, languages that many contemporary genealogists cannot read or understand.

The JewishGen Yizkor Book Project was organized in 1994 by a group of JewishGen volunteers led by Leonard Markowitz and Martin Kessel.  A translation project was developed by Susannah Juni and implemented by Joyce Field.  It is our purpose to unlock the valuable information contained in Yizkor Books so that genealogists and others can learn more about their heritage.  For more information, see the Yizkor Book Frequently Asked Questions.

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Yizkor Book Project, Yizkor Help Line
Yizkor Book Project Manager, Avraham Groll
John Berman, Webmaster
, Permissions Coordinator and QA Coordinator.

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Updated Jan 2009 by LA