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Nanomechanical Properties Group


The Nanomechanical Properties Group develops and provides mechanical measurement science, measurement standards, and measurement technology needed by U.S. industry to apply materials and components in nanomechanical applications. The Group’s activities are carried out in four project areas:


Nanoscale Strength Measurements and Standards—To develop new mechanical test structures and methodologies based on microelectromechanical and nanoelectromechanical systems (MEMS and NEMS) manufacturing methods that enable device producers in …

Nanoscale Stress Measurements and Standards—Our objective is to develop accurate measurement methods for the nanoscale stress distributions and surface defects that control device performance and reliability (performance over service life) …

Scanning Probe Microscopy Measurements and Standards—Our goal is to develop standard reference materials and quantitative, reproducible, measurement methods and protocols for scanning probe microscopes, to enable accurate dimensional, force, and …

Nanoparticle Measurements and Standards for Biomedical Applications and Health—Our goal is to develop certified reference materials, standard test methods, measurements, and critical data for the physicochemical characterization of engineered and multifunctional …