Blog Posts from January 2012

House GOP Radio & Blog Row

House Republicans discussed our plan for jobs with radio talk show hosts and bloggers from around the country in our House Republican Radio & Blog Row. Check out photos below:   More

1,000 Days

Today marks 1,000 days since the Democrat-controlled Senate passed a budget.  A lot can be done in 1,000 days.  The Pentagon could be built- twice.  The United States Constitution could be drafted, approved, and enacted- twice.  But for Senate Democrats, it is still not enough time to pass a budget.  It is inexcusable to o [...]  More

Rep. Jeb Hensarling (R-TX) Delivers the Weekly Republican Address (VIDEO)

House Republican Conference Chairman Jeb Hensarling (R-TX) delivers the Weekly Republican Address on the president's upcoming State of the Union. "The State of the Union is a time for truth-telling," he says. "And the sad truth is that the president's policies are making our economy worse."  More

President Obama Rejects Keystone Pipeline, Job Growth

Today, President Obama announced that he rejected the Keystone pipeline project permit. It would create thousands of jobs nationwide and grow our economy. It's disappointing that the president puts politics before job creation in America.   More

1/18/12 Republican Leadership Press Conference

As the 112th Congress begins its second session, House Republicans will continue working hard to help boost our economy and give small businesses the opportunity to create jobs. We've passed more than 30 jobs bills, but they are still stuck in the Democrat-controlled U.S. Senate. Contact your senator at   More

If You Were President...

Via Speaker Boehner: What would you do if you were president and, with one decision, could help create at least 20,000 jobs in the United States?  More

Rep. Nan Hayworth (R-NY) Delivers the Weekly Republican Address (VIDEO)

In the Weekly Republican Address, Representative Nan Hayworth (R-NY) highlights House Republicans' Plan for America's Job Creators and the 27 bipartisan jobs bills still awaiting action in the Democrat-controlled Senate. Our national unemployment rate remains above 8 percent for 35 consecutive months--the longest stretch since the Great Depression [...]  More