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Topic Area: Physics

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11. International time and frequency comparisons in real time: recent results
Topic: Physics
Published: 7/2/2012
Authors: Michael A Lombardi, J. Mauricio Lopez-Romero, Nelida Diaz-Munoz, Eduardo de Carlos Lopez
Abstract: Within the Sistema Interamericano de Metrologia (SIM) region, a time comparison network, SIMTN, has been developed. The SIMTN continuously compares the time scales of SIM members and publishes measurement results in near real-time. The measurements ...

12. Randomized Benchmarking of Multiqubit Gates
Topic: Physics
Published: 6/29/2012
Authors: John P Gaebler, Adam Matthias Meier, Ting Rei Tan, Ryan Steven Bowler, Yiheng Lin, David Hanneke, John D. (John) Jost, Jonathan Home, Emanuel H Knill, Dietrich G Leibfried, David J Wineland
Abstract: As experimental platforms for quantum information processing continue to mature, characterization of the quality of unitary gates that can be applied to their quantum bits (qubits) becomes essential. Eventually, the quality must be sufficiently high ...

13. Generation of a 660–2100 nm laser frequency comb based on an erbium fiber laser
Topic: Physics
Published: 6/15/2012
Authors: Gabriel George Ycas, Steve Osterman, Scott A Diddams
Abstract: We present a laser frequency comb based upon a 250 MHz mode-locked erbium fiber-laser that spans more than 300 terahertz of bandwidth, from 660 nm to 2000 nm. Broad bandwidth is achieved by making use of Er:fiber and Yb:fiber amplifiers and supercont ...

14. Sub-femtosecond absolute timing jitter with a 10 GHz hybrid photonic-microwave oscillator
Topic: Physics
Published: 6/7/2012
Authors: Tara Michele Fortier, Craig W Nelson, Archita Hati, Franklyn J Quinlan, Jennifer Ann Taylor, Haifeng Jiang, Chin W. Chou, Till P Rosenband, Nathan D. Lemke, Andrew D Ludlow, David Allan Howe, Christopher W Oates, Scott A Diddams
Abstract: We present an optical-electronic approach to generating microwave signals with high spectral purity. By overcoming shot noise and operating near fundamental thermal limits, we demonstrate 10 GHz signals that have timing deviation from an ideal period ...

15. Three-dimensional real-time tracking of nanoparticles at an oil-water interface
Topic: Physics
Published: 6/5/2012
Authors: Kan Du, James Alexander Liddle, Andrew J. Berglund
Abstract: We show that real-time feedback control can be used to study three-dimensional nanoparticle transport dynamics. We apply the method to study the behavior of adsorbed nanoparticles at a silicone oil-water interface in a microemulsion system over a ran ...

16. Spectroscopy and Thermometry of Drumhead Modes in a Mesoscopic Trapped-Ion Crystal Using Entanglement
Topic: Physics
Published: 5/25/2012
Authors: Brian C Sawyer, Joseph Wright Britton, Adam Keith, C.-C Joseph Wang, James K. Freericks, Hermann Uys, Michael Biercuk, John J Bollinger
Abstract: We demonstrate a method of sensitive detection and thermometry of individual modes in cold (^dsim^1 mK), planar one-component ion plasmas. Exploiting precise control over the valence electron spins of several hundred crystallized ^u9^Be^u+^ confined ...

17. A Compact Cold-Atom Frequency Standard Based on Coherent Population Trapping
Topic: Physics
Published: 5/24/2012
Authors: Francois-Xavier Richard Esnault, John E Kitching, Elizabeth A Donley
Abstract: We present the status of our cold-atom clock based on coherent population trapping, including the present clock stability and a preliminary evaluation of the three main systematic frequency shifts: the 1st-order Doppler shift, the Zeeman shift, and t ...

18. A Sub-Sampling Digital PM/AM Noise Measurement System
Topic: Physics
Published: 5/24/2012
Authors: Craig W Nelson, David Allan Howe
Abstract: A digital phase/amplitude modulation (PM/AM) noise measurement system (DNMS) implementing field programmable gate array (FPGA) based digital down converters (DDCs), and 250 MHz analog to digital converters (ADCs) is reported. Performance in the firs ...

19. A high stability optical frequency reference based on thermal calcium atoms
Topic: Physics
Published: 5/24/2012
Authors: Richard W Fox, Jeffrey Aaron Sherman, W. Douglas, Judith Berget Olson, Andrew D Ludlow, Christopher W Oates
Abstract: Here we report an imprecision below 10^u-14^ with a simple, compact optical frequency standard based upon thermal calcium atoms. Using a Ramsey-Borde spectrometer we excite features with linewidths < 5 kHz for the ^u1^S^d0^-^u3^P^d1^ intercombinati ...

20. A hybrid 10 GHz photonic-microwave oscillator with sub-femtosecond absolute timing jitter
Topic: Physics
Published: 5/24/2012
Authors: Tara Michele Fortier, Craig W Nelson, Archita Hati, Franklyn J Quinlan, Jennifer Ann Taylor, Haifeng Jiang, Chin W. Chou, Nathan D. Lemke, Andrew D Ludlow, David Allan Howe, Christopher W Oates, Scott A Diddams
Abstract: We demonstrate a 10 GHz hybrid oscillator comprised of a phase stabilized optical frequency comb divider and a room temperature dielectric sapphire oscillator. Characterization of the 10 GHz microwave signal via comparison of two independent hybrid ...

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