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Optical Properties and Infrared Technology Group


Optical properties and infrared technology thumbnailWe establish and disseminate primary measurement scales for transmittance, reflectance, and emittance of materials in the infrared spectral region; study optical properties of materials in the near, mid, and far infrared spectral regions; establish and maintain absolute radiometric scales using the absolute cryogenic radiometer (ACR); provide cryogenic blackbody calibrations; conduct the research and development of accurate, high precision radiometric measurements at low and ambient thermal background environments; develop and calibrate transfer standard radiometers to be used for on-site NIST traceable measurements of missile defense sensor test chambers and test chambers for NASA and NOAA; develop and disseminate state of the art instrumentation for spectral and spatial image projection for sensor performance validation; and perform computer modeling of radiometric devices and systems.


Infrared cryogenic blackbody broadband calibration—The Missile Defense Agency (MDA) requires all test facilities to have their blackbodies calibrated at the NIST Low background infrared (LBIR) facility. The infrared test chambers for MDA are …

Transfer radiometers and reference detectors—We have developed several portable radiometers to transfer the primary detector-based scales for optical power, radiance, and irradiance in the infrared spectral region to user sites for …

Infrared optical properties of materials and components—Accurate measurements of the optical properties of materials in the infrared spectral range play an increasingly important role in the aerospace and defense industries, optical engineering, …

Absolute cryogenic infrared radiometry—In support of defense programs in remote sensing, NIST maintains the scale for infrared radiant flux by using the Absolute Cryogenic radiometer (ACR) in a low background environment. The program …

Hyperspectral Image Projector (HIP)—Detecting climate change with remote sensing instruments, providing state-of-the-art surveillance imagery for security and defense, or getting the most out of medical imagers requires excellent …


Optical properties and infrared technology group:
Joseph Rice, Group Leader
301-975-2133 Telephone

Andrea Swiger, Secretary
301-975-4800 Telephone
301-548-0206 Facsimile

100 Bureau Drive, M/S 8363
Gaithersburg, MD 20899-8363