U.S. Forest Service Valuing Ecosystem Services
Valuing Ecosystem Services U.S. Forest Service Valuing Ecosystem Services USDA Home Page U.S. Forest Service Home Page Rotating factoid imageImage banner including pictures of wildlife, plants, and streams.

Featured Links

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American Forests:


California Climate Action Registry

California Department of Fish & Game: conservation and mitigation banking

Carbon Disclosure Project

The Carbon Fund

The Carbon Mitigation Initiative

Carbon Trading: A primer for forest landowners

Chicago Climate Exchange

Choices: The magazine of food, farm, and resource issues

Climate Change Knowledge Network

The Climate Registry

COLE: Carbon On Line Estimator

The Climate Trust

The Conservation Finance Alliance

Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund

Conservation Registry


Ecoagriculture Partners

Ecological Society of America: Toolkits for communicating ecosystem services


Ecosystem Marketplace

Ecosystem Services Projects


Environmental Synergy Inc.

Environmental Trading Network

Environmental Valuation Reference Inventory (EVRI)

European Climate Exchange

Evolution Markets

Forest Trends


GHG Protocol Initiative

The Gund Institute for Ecological Economics

The Heinz Center

Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change

International Carbon Action Partnership (ICAP)

International Institute for Environment and Development

iTree: Tools for assessing and managing community forests


Katoomba Group


Landcare Australia

Millennium Ecosystem Assessment

Natural Capital Project

National Mitigation Banking Association

New Forests

North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program


Pacific Forest Trust

Center for Climate and Energy

Poverty Environment Partnership

Private Landowner Network


Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative


US Climate Change:

US Department of Agriculture:

US Department of Energy:

US Environmental Protection Agency:

US Global Change Research Program

US Geological Survey:


Watershed Markets (IIED)

Western Climate Initiative

Willamette Ecosystem Marketplace

The World Bank:

World Resources Institute:

WWF Payment for Ecosystem Services Program

Location: http://www.fs.fed.us/ecosystemservices/links.shtml
Updated: January 26, 2012 3:55 PM