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Reserve Personnel Management Division

Annual Screening Questionnaire

  Annual Screening Questionnaire ONLINE SURVEY

*Note this online asq is intended for members assigned to the irr, if you are a selres member ASSIGNED TO A UNIT OTHER THAN THE IRR please complete your asq in dIRECT ACCESS.

Frequently Asked Questions about the Annual Screening Questionnaire


1. Why am I receiving this Annual Screening Questionnaire (ASQ)?

If you are receiving this Questionnaire it means that you are still a member of the Individual Ready Reserve. As a member of the Ready Reserve, you are obligated to complete and return this form on an annual basis. 

2. Does a member of PSC-rpm-3 staff review each form?

Yes. A member of our Command does review each section of your form. It is important that you print neatly and remember to always be professional in your responses.  Completion of this ASQ is mandatory and there will be consequences for members who ignore this requirement or choose to respond in an unprofessional manner.


3. Isn't my service complete when I am released from active duty?

No. When you first join the military you are signing up for an eight-year military service obligation which is outlined in 10 USC 651. For example, if you serve four years of active duty service that means you must serve in the Reserve Component (SELRES or IRR) for the final four years.  You must serve at least eight years to complete your obligation.


4. If I answer yes to the mobilization portion does this mean I am going to mobilized soon?

No.  The Coast Guard has not mobilized a member in the Individual Ready Reserve since WWII. In 2010, we mobilized members of the Individual Ready Reserve as a voluntary training exercise.  The Coast Guard would only go to the Individual Ready Reserve in the case of a national emergency.


5. What do I do if I do not remember my Employee ID?

Please do no list your Social Security number in place of your Employee ID.  If you do not remember your Employee ID please leave the space blank.  But you must ensure your first and last name is legible and correct.


6. What do I put in the Unit/Division section?

Please write in IRR for this space.


7. Why does the Coast Guard need my primary email?

Your email is important because it allows us to contact you in an efficient manner.  In the future, we would like to make the Annual Screening Questionnaire process paperless so we need an email address for all of our members.  The only reason we will ever use your email address is to contact you for official business.


8. Why does the Coast Guard need my phone number?

Recall phone numbers are required and necessary for us to contact you immediately.  Please feel free to add more phone numbers if necessary.  We will only contact you if we need information that has time constraints.  We would prefer to contact you through email.


9. Must I update my personal address every time I fill out this form/move to a new location?

Yes.  As a member of the Individual Ready Reserve, you are obligated to update your address when filling out this form and each time you move to a new address.  This process is key to ensure you receive necessary documents in a timely manner.


10. Do I have to fill out my Marital Status/Number of Dependants?

Yes.  By law you are required to update your marital information and dependant information each year just as you did when on Active Duty.  It is important for us to have current dependency data for each Individual Ready Reserve member in the event of a mobilization.


11. Why does the Coast Guard need to know when I last had a physical completed?

As a member of the Individual Ready Reserve, you are required to maintain physical fitness and weight standards.  Answering this question helps us gauge your current medical readiness.  Changes in policy may require all IRR members to have an annual Periodic Health assessment (PHA) and dental exam.


12. What does the Coast Guard mean by "Competencies, Qualification Codes, Experience Indicators"?

This section is optional.  In this section you would enter any type of training you had while on active duty.  Such as, A-schools, C-school, or any type of correspondence training you completed.  Again this section is optional.


13. What do you mean by the section entitled "Standard Occupation Codes"?

Standard Occupation Codes are used by the Bureau of Labor Statistics to classify job occupations.  In this section you will need to click on the URL provided to find the codes (  Once you access the link you will see all types of occupation codes.  You want to find the occupation code closest to the job you currently hold.  Chances are you will not find your exact job code on this site and that is perfectly acceptable.  What we are looking for is the closest representation of the work you currently do.  For example if you are a sales representative for a cell phone company you would locate the code labeled Sales.


14. Do you have to contact my Civilian Employer?

Normally No.  In most cases we do not have to contact your civilian employer.  There may be a time when we need to verify your employment so it is important to fill in this information completely.  Even if you are a student, you must fill in the name and address of your university.  We are required to maintain this information for annual screening requirements.


15. What happens if I am not available for Mobilization?

Any member who is not available for mobilization must have documentation to validate this statement, and must request a transfer from the Ready Reserve in accordance with requirements outlined in Chapter 5.B of the Reserve Policy Manual.  Full-time student status does not excuse you for being mobilized.  If you are a designated key employee by your federal agency you must submit documentation as required by Chapter 5.B.6 of the Reserve Policy Manual.  If you are employed in a critical civilian occupation you must submit documentation to our office from your Command stating that you cannot mobilize.  If your absence would create a personal or family hardship, you must submit documentation for support.  If you are medically unqualified to mobilize one of our members will contact you separately to attain documentation.  Members who do not submit documentation will remain in the Individual Ready Reserve.

If PSC-rpm determines that you are not available to be mobilized you could be placed into another category such as the Inactive Status List until you are mobilization ready.  if you are moved into the Inactive Status List you will lose eligibility for some benefits such as the GI Bill.  Members, who are working overseas, therefore not available for mobilization, may be moved into the Active Status List.


16. Can I authorize a family member to fill out this questionnaire in my absence?

No. You must fill out the Annual Screening Questionnaire.  Unless you have a legal power of attorney document approved by the Coast Guard.


17. When will I receive the Annual Screening Questionnaire?

You will receive your first Annual Screening Questionnaire within three months of being transferred into the Individual Ready Reserve.  In future years you should receive your Annual Screening Questionnaire during the month of your anniversary year.


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Last Modified 5/21/2012