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National Directory of Programs for Women with Criminal Justice Involvement

Family Care Court

Agency Information

Akeela Inc.
360 West Benson, Suite 300
Anchorage, Alaska 99503
Phone: (907) 565-1200
View Website

Program Contact

  • 4111 Minnesota Drive
    505 West Northern Lights Blvd.
    Anchorage, Alaska 99503
  • Phone: (800) 478-7738

Related Programs

The Family Care Court (FCC) program is based in family court where “Child in Need of Aid” cases are heard. The women referred to this court are near the point of losing custody of their children permanently. The issue is treated as a family matter and a court team including the Judge, Attorney General Representative, Guardian Ad Li Dum, Office of Children’s Service (OCS), and Akeela follows the progress of the family. Staff, with the family, discusses their progress, needs, successes, and failures. Akeela’s role is to provide substance abuse services either through their outpatient or residential program.

The program manager participates in a team case management program in which the OCS case manager handles the in-home portion of the visits for outpatient clients, and Akeela handles the agency contacts and referral. Akeela also has a child development specialist attached to the program who assists with the appropriate family and children’s activities for families in the program. In addition, Akeela provides MRT groups for all participants in the program.

Started in 2006

Who is helped?

Women with substance abuse issues who are at risk of losing their children or who are seeking to reunify with their children.

Capacity: 30 women per year.

More Information

Last modified: 4/24/2009 10:55:25 AM
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