U.S. Forest Service Tribal Relations

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U.S. Forest Service
1400 Independence Ave. SW
Washington DC 20250-0003

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Tribal Governments
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Tribal Relations

Tribal Relations

Welcome to the website of the Forest Service Office of Tribal Relations (OTR)! Here you will find information about what the OTR does, opportunities for Tribes, the Forest Service consultation schedule, and other relevant information for Tribes.

Haskell University students, Forest Service Chief Thomas Tidwell, and Office of Tribal Relations Assistant Director Estelle Bowman.
Haskell University students meet with Forest Service Chief Thomas Tidwell and Office of Tribal Relations Assistant Director Estelle Bowman to discuss sacred sites and preserving wetlands, July 12, 2012. Read more about the Haskell University students in our Summer 2012 newsletter on page 10…

Please visit frequently as we update our information often. If you have questions or need additional information, please feel free to contact any of the OTR Staff members…

VISION: The Forest Service is recognized as a leader among Federal land management agencies in partnering appropriately and collaboratively with American Indian and Alaska Native Tribal governments and communities for mutually beneficial outcomes.

Location: http://www.fs.fed.us/spf/tribalrelations/index.shtml
Last modified: Thursday, 13-Sep-2012 17:55:46 EDT