Press Room

Photo Archive

People & Events

Fermilab Director Pier Oddone

  • #99-650-5d (120 K)
  • (1,900 K)
  • Former Fermilab Director Mike Witherell

  • #99-650-5d (120 K)
  • (1,900 K)
  • Former Fermilab Director John Peoples

  • #93-1225-1 (84 K)
  • (3,100 K)
  • Group photo of CDF collaboration in front of Wilson Hall

  • #94-374-4 (104 K)
  • (3,300 K)
  • Meenakshi Narain examines possible top quark events at Fermilab´s DZero experiment.

  • #95-246-4 (88 K)
  • (2,500 K)
  • Former Fermilab Director John Peoples answers question at press conference announcing evidence of the top quark.

  • #94-390-33 (136 K)
  • (2,500 K)
  • Main Ring ground breaking with Robert Wilson

  • #69-1248 (100 K)
  • (3,300 K)
  • Proton Hi Intensity Lab with experimentalist Micheal Witherell

  • #79-785-8 (168 K)
  • (4,900 K)
  • Former Fermilab Director Leon Lederman on the morning of winning the 1988 Nobel Prize for Physics

  • #88-1108-1 (100 K)
  • (3,300 K)
  • Former Fermilab Director and founder Robert Wilson

  • #89-305-6 (132 K)
  • (4,800 K)
  • Former Fermilab Director John Peoples

  • #90-399-6 (112 K)
  • (4,300 K)
  • John Peoples at press conference announcing the first evidence for the Top Quark

  • #95-360-6 (80 K)
  • (1,600 K)
  • Director Emeritus Leon Lederman in front of Wilson Hall

  • #96-1336-2 (124 K)
  • (5,000 K)
  • DZero Collaboration

  • #01-207 (144 K)
  • (4,100 K)
  • Secretary of Energy Bill Richardson, Main Injector Project Manager Stephen Holmes and US Representative Dennis Hastert turning on the Main Injector at it´s dedication in spring of 1999.

  • #99-586-12 (92 K)
  • (4,500 K)
  • John Peoples with the 2.5 meter Sloan Digital Sky Survey telescope in Apache Pt. ,New Mexico.

  • #00-342-3 (112 K)
  • (4,200 K)
  • Return to Photo Archive main page

    The images included in this database are the property of the U.S. Department of Energy. Approval for use of these photos for publication in any medium is required from the Office Of Public Affairs . Email


    last modified 10/27/2005   email Fermilab