Press Room

Photo Archive

Graphics & Illustrations

Energy time line from the Big Bang to the present

  • #85-138CN (52 K)
  • (3,000 K)
  • DZero Top Quark Event

  • #94-397-2 (76 K)
  • (3,100 K)
  • CDF Top Event on Computer Screen

  • #95-481 (80 K)
  • (1,500 K)
  • Composite illustration of Sloan Digital Sky Survey, Top Quark event, Wilson Hall

  • #99-270 (53 K)
  • (3,000 K)
  • History of the Universe Poster

  • #99-1145D (176 K)
  • (2,000 K)
  • Illustration of NuMI Tunnel Project

  • #00-32-1d (88 K)
  • (3,800 K)
  • Fermilab Accelerator Chain - Schematic drawing of Accelerator Complex

  • #00-635D (96 K)
  • (5,900 K)
  • The Standard Model of Elementary Particles

  • #95-759D (150 K)
  • (687 K)
  • Return to Photo Archive main page

    The images included in this database are the property of the U.S. Department of Energy. Approval for use of these photos for publication in any medium is required from the Office Of Public Affairs . Email


    last modified 1/16/2004   email Fermilab