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U.S. Office of Personnel Management - Recruiting, Retaining and Honoring a World-Class Workforce to Serve the American People

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Posts By: Bill Zielinski

The United States Postal Service recently announced that it will immediately suspend payment of the employer portion of the contributions for all Federal Employee Retirement System (FERS) retirements.  The Civil Service Retirement System (CSRS) was not included in the announcement and will not be affected.  The situation is still developing and we will continue to update the OPM website as information becomes available.

Current USPS retirees and employees who retired before June 3, 2011, will not be impacted by this announcement and there will be no negative impact on future postal employees’ retirement.  While the matter is under consideration, it is our hope that the issue will be resolved as quickly as the law allows. 

 OPM has issued a statement regarding this issue which can be found on our web-site.  The link to the statement is:,1674.aspx

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Due to the devastating fires and floods in the west, OPM has dedicated a telephone line to receive calls so our retirees and their families who are affected can get instant assistance for reissuing checks, changing addresses, and in cases of death, adjustments to annuity payments. If you are one of our clients and are affected by the natural disasters, please call 202-606-8142 so the appropriate arrangements can be made to handle your situation as quickly as possible.   You may also contact us via email at or via phone at 888-767-6738.

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Due to the tragic tornadoes in the mid-west, OPM has dedicated a telephone line to receive calls so affected individuals may report deaths of Federal annuitants and/or advise of June 1, 2011 annuity payment disruptions. If you are affected by these events, please call 202 606-0540 so the appropriate arrangements can be made to handle your situation as quickly as possible.

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As widely reported in the news, our government has reached its debt limit.  U.S. Treasury Secretary Geithner has since declared a “debt issuance suspension period” for the Civil Service Retirement and Disability Fund (which funds our retirees).  By law this allows the Treasury to redeem (or cash out) a portion of existing Treasury securities held by the fund.  The same law also requires that the government repay the fund with interest.

 Bottom line: This action will not affect CSRS and FERS annuity payments to retirees.  All payments will continue as normal and on schedule. 

 Thank you for your time.  I hope you find this information useful and we look forward to providing you more information in the future.

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We would like to share some very important news with you regarding the payment of your Federal retirement benefits. The U.S. Department of Treasury has made changes affecting the way you will receive payment. Everyone will be required to change to direct deposit or receive a debit card (if you do not have a bank account). If you already have direct deposit, congratulations and thank you! If you don’t, please sign up with us now. The U.S. Treasury will be sending an official notice very soon.

Wouldn’t it be nice to know that you don’t have to worry about your paper check being delayed in the mail, lost or stolen? Well, more than 95% of all Federal retirees receive their payments by direct deposit and they feel secure that their payments will arrive on time and are immediately available to them. Our direct deposit occurs on the first business day of each month!

To help you sign up for Direct Deposit, we are providing many options: 

  1. You can make your change on your online retirement account at
  2. You can fax an SF 1199A form to 724-794-6633. This form can be obtained from your financial institution.
  3. You can mail an SF 1199A form to OPM, Retirement Operations, PO Box 440, Boyers PA 16017-0440.
  4. You can call us at 1-888-767-6738. Please be sure to have your bank routing number and account number handy.
  5. You can visit or call GoDirect at 1-800-333-1795.

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