Customer Information and Behavior Working Group


Phyllis Reha, Minnesota Public Utilities Commission

Vaughn Clark, Office of Community Development, Oklahoma Department of Commerce

View Customer Information and Behavior Working Group members.

The Customer Information and Behavior (CIB) Working Group advances the State and Local Energy Efficiency Action Network's (SEE Action) efforts with state and local governments to change residential energy consumption behavior by using information and feedback. The CIB Working Group focuses on bringing about behavior change that will lead energy customers to reduce energy consumption. The working group has developed a blueprint aimed at assisting state and local governments with how to use energy information and feedback to change residential energy consumption behavior, and achieve deeper energy and emissions savings.

The CIB Working Group has set these goals:

In 2011, the CIB Working Group has set a goal to build expertise on the potential energy savings available from programs that target residential consumer behavior changes by:

  • Providing tools and resources for regulators and policymakers about data issues associated with energy efficiency
  • Supporting the development of uniform methods to measure energy savings from energy efficiency programs targeting behavior changes.

Working Group Scope

The scope of the CIB Working Group includes identifying residential energy efficiency programs that target behavior changes, data needs, and privacy rules to support the programs. In the future, CIB will expand its scope to address:

Priority Solutions and Actions

To achieve its goals the CIB Working Group focuses on three priority areas:

Learn more about CIB's priority solutions and actions.


For more information on the Customer Information and Behavior Working Group, contact:

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