Information about Home Fire Escape Planning

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Make a Plan
Children as young as three years old can follow a fire escape plan they have practiced often. Yet, many families don't have detailed escape plans, and those that do usually don't practice them.
Practice the Plan
Practicing a fire escape plan and fire-safe behaviors on a regular basis can mean the difference between life and death.
Draw a Diagram
Draw a basic diagram of your home, marking all windows and doors, and plan two routes of escape out of each room. Consider various fire scenarios when creating your plan and develop actions for a safe escape. Plan for each member of your family, including babies and toddlers who may be unable to escape on their own.

PDF, 140 KbPrintable Escape Grid (PDF, 140 Kb, Adobe Acrobat (PDF) Help)
Keep Exits Clear
Keep exits clear of debris and toys.
Keep Door Closed
Keep your child's bedroom door closed. If a hallway fire occurs, a closed door may hinder the smoke from overpowering your baby or toddler, giving firefighters extra time for rescue.
Teach toddlers not to hide from firefighters. Their uniforms can be scary in times of crisis. Teach children that firefighters are there to help in an emergency. Take children for a tour at your local fire station so that they can see a firefighter in full gear.
Crawl under the smoke
Teach your children how to crawl under the smoke to reduce smoke inhalation.
Feel the door
Also, teach your children how to touch closed doors to see if they are hot before opening. If so, use an alternate escape route.
Have a meeting place
Have a safe meeting place outside the home and teach children never to go back inside.

Practicing fire-safe behaviors and knowing what to do in an emergency can give your family extra seconds to escape.