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High School Student Action Teams

Idaho National Laboratory's Student Action Team program gives high school students the opportunity to solve real-world problems under the tutelage of INL technical experts.

During the eight-week program, students work on a specific project and learn to apply science, mathematics, engineering, and technology concepts that reinforce and complement what they are studying in high school.

Students work on teams that may consist of junior and/or senior high school students, a beginning or experienced teacher and a technical mentor from INL.

The program is designed to build their confidence and deepen their knowledge of science, mathematics, engineering and technology and introduce them to careers in those fields.

Who can apply

The Student Action Team program is open to students who:

  • Are at least 16 years old and enrolled in an educational program as defined by the state.
  • Are U.S. citizens or permanent resident aliens.
  • Demonstrate an intellectual curiosity and enthusiasm for learning, leadership, and self-motivation for improvement are accepted into the program.

What you need to apply

  • Statement of Interest
  • Demonstrated accomplishment in academic course work with a G.P.A. of 3.0 or above
  • A completed application (see link below)
  • One teacher recommendation

Students who have completed this process are placed in pools from which technical mentors will draw their selections for projects.

Students will receive an hourly wage for their participation in the 8-week program.

For more information about the internship and instructions on how to apply click here.

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Department of energy

DOE Office of Nuclear Energy
DOE-Idaho Office