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Standards and Discipline

By CSM Robert A. Winzenried

As of 15 August the new changes to Curfew Policy # 7, and the interim policy change to USFK Regulation 190-1 will go into effect. These changes are significant and are a measured first step as we start to prepare the way for the normalization of tours here in the Republic of Korea.

The Commander of USFK, General Sharp, and I spent many hours talking with service members of all ranks and their family members. These were always the two most contentious issues. We asked for thoughts on these policies and the responses were as varied as the people we talked to, but the overwhelming message was that it was time for a change.

So after carefully considering all of the potential courses of action, the Commander and I went with this basic belief that if you know and understand the policy that our service members will live up to their responsibilities. If you have some that do not, then you hold those service members responsible, not all service members. We are willing to place our trust in all of you to do the right thing based on this belief.

All of you must understand that the culture of Korea does not only hold the individual accountable for their actions, but also holds their family, or in this case, all of us accountable. So the actions of one service member can adversely affect the alliance that we have built for over 55 years. This is the very alliance that our predecessors bled for and died for. Your daily interaction with our hosts effects that alliance.

So I charge all of you to read and understand these changes in our policies and your responsibilities under them. Then I expect all of you to assist your fellow service members in living up to those policies. We will review them every 6 months and based on the indiscipline rates and traffic accidents and so forth, I will make recommendations to the Commander. I truly believe in all of you and I trust you to live up to the faith and confidence we have given you.