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Free-Air CO2 Enrichment (FACE)

FACE is a method and infrastructure used to experimentally enrich the atmosphere enveloping portions of a terrestrial ecosystem with controlled amounts of carbon dioxide (and in some cases, other gases), without using chambers or walls. The Brookhaven FACE team operates the Duke Forest FACE experiment, provides engineering and operations support for the DOE/BER FACE facility and technical support for other non-DOE global climate change experiments.

Duke Forest FACE Experiment Operations Duke Forest FACE Experiment Operations
The Brookhaven FACE group designed, built and operates the Duke Forest FACE facility where a loblolly pine plantation is grown at an elevated carbon dioxide concentration using FACE technology.
FACE Facility Engineering & Operations FACE Facility Engineering & Operations
The Brookhaven FACE group provides support for the DOE/BER FACE facility, other FACE experiments and related research activities.
The FACE program The FACE program
FACE technology allows ecosystems to be exposed to elevated levels of carbon dioxide under fully open air conditions.
Data Manager FACE Operations Data
View real time FACE performance data and access data archives from the Duke Forest FACE operations and CDIAC.

The Brookhaven FACE team is part of the Carbon Cycle Science & Technology (CCS&T) Group.  The CCS&T Group aims to increase understanding of the effects of global change on the carbon cycle and is part of the Environmental Research & Technology Division of the Environmental Sciences Department.

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Last Modified: September 14, 2009

FACE is a program of the Office of Biological and Environmental Research (BER) - U.S. Department of Energy. Please forward all questions or comments about this site to: Brookhaven FACE Program