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Basic Digital Photography for Law Enforcement Workshop

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The goal of this program is to provide introductory Digital Photography training to uniformed patrol officers, and law enforcement first responders, who have the potential of encountering, documenting, and/or collecting physical evidence in conjunction with a traffic stop, street encounter, or as a result of a routine call for service.

Type: Basic


  • Photographing evidence recovered from a vehicle during a traffic stop and a street encounter
  • Field photography of suspects, arrestees, and gang members 
  • First responder property crime photography i.e. burglaries, graffiti, criminal trespass/destruction to property
  • First responder crimes against person’s photography i.e. domestic violence suspect/victim photography,
    physical assaults, death scenes and non-criminal industrial accidents
  • Basic traffic crash scene documentation

Tuition and Cost


Attendees are responsible for all travel, lodging and meal expenses.

Training Materials

Each student attending this training will receive a digital camera system, media, photographic scales, and photo- logs.

Prerequisites for Attendance

There are no prerequisites for this training, other than the participants must serve in a law enforcement capacity at a qualified state, local, tribal, or campus law enforcement agency. This program should be reserved for line level uniformed officers and first responders.

Preference for admission into this program is given to non-federal law enforcement officers or other emergency responders working in rural areas. “Rural” is defined as any area outside of a metropolitan statistical area (MSA), as defined by the Office of Management and Budget; or any jurisdiction inside of a MSA located in a county, borough, parish or land under the jurisdiction of an Indian Tribe with a population of no more than 50,000. Please visit Eligibility Requirement for more information.

Non-rural applicants will be admitted on a space-available basis approximately 35 days prior to the program’s start date.

Registration Information

If you prefer to go directly to the registration database, or if you already have an account and password, go to

Additional Information

Call 1-800-743-5382 or E-mail us at and reference the name of the program.

Training Dates

Redwood Valley, CA -- Oct 10, 2012
Ft. Yates, ND -- Nov 07, 2012
Isleta, NM -- Nov 28, 2012
Monroe, WA -- Dec 11, 2012
Hoquiam, WA -- Dec 13, 2012
Pine Ridge, SD -- Jan 23, 2013
Seminole, OK -- Feb 20, 2013
Rosebud, SD -- Mar 06, 2013
Twin Cities, CA -- Apr 16, 2013
Rancho Cucamonga, CA -- Apr 18, 2013
Elko, NV -- Apr 24, 2013
Perkins, OK -- May 08, 2013
Pine Ridge, SD -- May 22, 2013
Holbrook, AZ -- Jun 05, 2013
TBA -- Jun 19, 2013
Lubbock, TX -- Aug 06, 2013
Pojoaque, NM -- Aug 21, 2013