Federal Aviation Administration

Flight Standards Service (AFS)
Draft Documents Open for Comment

OpSpecs/Management Specifications/Letters of Authorization (OpSpecs/MSpecs/LOA)

Document Title: OpSpec A010: Approved Sources of Aviation Weather
Summary: This notice announces a revision to operations specification (OpSpec) and management specification (MSpec) A010, Approved Sources of Aviation Weather Information.
Document for Download: 8900.1 OpSpec A010 Approved sources (PDF)
8900.1 Operational Control – General (PDF)
8900.1 AVWX – General (PDF)
8900.1 Approved Sources of Weather Reports (PDF)
8900.1 Adverse Weather Phenomena Reporting (PDF)
8900.1 Enhanced Weather Information Systems (PDF)
8900.1 Vol 3 Ch 26 Sec 5 Reserved (PDF)
Notice – Approved sources of weather (PDF)
Reference: CFR Part 91k, 121, 125m, 135
Comments Due: 06/22/2012
How to Comment: Email comments to:
Email Comments

Page Last Modified: 06/21/12 10:49 EDT

This page can be viewed online at: http://www.faa.gov/aircraft/draft_docs/opspecs/