Federal Aviation Administration

Civil Aviation Registry-Airmen Certification Branch Responsibilities

The Airmen Certification Branch has final authority for the issuance of permanent airman certificates, maintenance of certification records, and issuance of over 320,500 certificates each year. Of the more than 4.8 million airmen records, approximately 628,000 are considered to be active pilots. Certificates are issued for:
  • Pilots
  • Flight Engineers
  • Flight and Ground Instructors
  • Aircraft Dispatchers
  • Mechanics
  • Repairmen
  • Parachute Riggers
  • Control Tower Operators
  • Flight Navigators
  • Flight Attendants

Page Last Modified: 05/09/11 13:43 EDT

This page can be viewed online at: http://www.faa.gov/about/office_org/headquarters_offices/avs/offices/afs/afs700/cert_responsibilities/