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Contact: Cory Fritz

Boehner Calls for Immediate Enactment of Pledge to America In Wake of Disappointing Jobs Report

Oct 8, 2010

- Congressman John Boehner (R-West Chester) today called for immediate enactment of Republicans’ Pledge to America to help end the ongoing economic uncertainty in the wake of a new Department of Labor report showing that the U.S. economy lost 95,000 jobs in the month of September, while unemployment remained at 9.6 percent despite Obama Administration projections that it would never exceed eight percent following the passage of the ‘stimulus’:

“This disappointing jobs report demonstrates the pressing need to immediately enact the Pledge to America and help end the uncertainty caused by Washington Democrats’ out-of-control spending spree and job-killing policies.

“According to the Obama Administration’s own projections, unemployment should now be at roughly seven percent on account of the ‘stimulus,’ but instead it is now at 9.6 percent.  In fact, unemployment is higher than the Obama Administration said it would be if we had not passed the ‘stimulus’ at all.  Small businesses are pulling back at a time when we need them to be expanding and hiring, an uncertainty worsened by Washington Democrats’ failure to stop all the tax hikes set to take effect January 1st .  Rising unemployment and widespread uncertainty is a far cry from the robust recovery President Obama promised the American people.  

“With the Pledge to America, Republicans have offered a clear and positive plan to help end the economic uncertainty, create jobs, and make America more competitive.  With the American people asking ‘where are the jobs?,’ Republicans’ blueprint for job creation starts with stopping all of the looming tax hikes and ending Washington’s out-of-control spending spree.  Make no mistake, our economy will ultimately recover, but it will do so because of the hard work and entrepreneurship of the American people, not more of the same wasteful Washington spending and job-killing tax hikes and mandates.”

NOTE: The following chart, included in a report authored by Obama Administration economists Christina Romer – who has since left the White House – and Jared Bernstein, details the Obama Administration’s projections that unemployment would currently be at approximately 7.25 percent following the passage of the ‘stimulus’:




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