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Click for full size ORNL Review Cover Vol 37, No. 3, 2004
Click for a full size image of the ORNL Review cover.


Systems Biology
Advancing at a Breathtaking Pace

Tuan Vo-Dinh, recipient of seven R&D 100 awards (the Oscars of the technology world), is profiled in this issue of the Review. The cover also features an image of bacterial proteins. Proteins in cells are being studied by Vo-Dinh using his nanobiosensor and by systems biology researchers at ORNL. These scientists are focusing on Shewanella and R. palustris bacteria that might help the Department of Energy with its missions of waste bioremediation, carbon sequestration, and hydrogen production. Cover photo by Curtis Boles and bacterial protein visualization by Pratul Agarwal.

Volume 37, Number 3, 2004 of the ORNL REVIEW is available here in PDF format. (8,317Kb) PDF Format


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