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Because of its two new supercomputers, ORNL is one of the most powerful unclassified scientific computing facilities in the world.

Breaking a Record for Analysis of Atoms

In a typical solid material, atoms don't just stand still. They tend to vibrate near an equilibrium configuration. Heat the solid and its atoms vibrate even faster. The atoms will move various distances and directions from each other. How fast atoms vibrate (vibrational frequency) and how far and which way they move relative to their neighbors (vibrational mode) are of interest to scientists seeking insights into the structure and behavior of various materials.

Since the 1950s, scientists have used computational methods for normal coordinate analysis (NCA) of systems of atoms. With these methods they have sought to calculate vibrational frequencies and vibrational modes from the known forces between the atoms that determine the strength of the chemical bonds that bind atoms together in a material. But in recent years NCA has hit a brick wall.

Scientists have been unable to model more than a few thousand atoms at a time. For larger systems, the computation becomes enormously expensive. Moreover, some of the computed frequencies often turn out to be negative, suggesting that a system known to be stable is, in fact, unstable. According to an article that appeared in Annual Review of Physical Chemistry in 1995, "normal coordinate analysis in Cartesian coordinate space is, with even the most powerful supercomputers, still impossible for proteins larger than roughly 150 residues."

In 1998 Don Noid and Bobby Sumpter, both of ORNL's Chemical and Analytical Sciences Division (CASD), developed an algorithm that allowed them to model 6000 carbon and hydrogen atoms in polyethylene, the simplest polymer in terms of chemical structure. Thanks to their innovative computational procedure, the researchers were able to calculate the forces between each pair of polyethylene atoms about 1000 times faster than had been done before using the traditional NCA algorithm.

But a more computationally challenging task is to extract a set of low-frequency vibrational modes from the force calculation. For the 6000-atom polyethylene model, the traditional method would require more than 2 gigabytes of memory and trillions of calculations per second.

Fortunately, Chao Yang came to ORNL just in time to make the ORNL algorithm even better. Yang was hired as the 1999 Alston Householder Fellow in ORNL's Computer Science and Mathematics Division (CSMD). Householder directed the mathematical activities of ORNL from 1946 until 1969.

While earning his Ph.D. degree in computation and applied mathematics from Rice University, Yang helped develop ARPACK, a popular numerical tool for solving large-scale eigenvalue problems. When he came to ORNL, he adapted the ARPACK program to perform large-scale NCA on parallel processors, such as the new IBM RS/6000 SP supercomputer at the Laboratory, which can now make a trillion calculations per second. Yang also included sparse matrix techniques to improve the efficiency of the calculation. This effort has led to a new "large-scale, time-averaged NCA" algorithm.

Refrigerator-sized cabinets house the IBM RS/6000 SP supercomputer on which Chao Yang runs his algorithm.

"With the traditional algorithm," says Chuck Romine of CSMD, "it takes days to calculate vibrational modes in a 6000-atom system with 18,000 degrees of freedom, which relate to the directions in which an atom can move. With the new ORNL technique, it takes less than an hour to calculate vibrational modes in a 6000-atom system."

To obtain vibrational frequencies and modes between atoms in a large system, researchers calculate an array of numbers and zeroes in rows and columns called a matrix. A zero could represent the force between too widely separated atoms, and a nonzero number represents the magnitude of force between a pair of atoms. Yang's technique does not require the storage of thousands of zeroes in the matrix as does the traditional algorithm, saving time and data storage space.

In 1999, the new algorithm allowed the IBM supercomputer to calculate the forces among 24,000 atoms of polyethylene, a world's record. Currently, 100,000 atoms of the same material are being modeled using the new algorithm.

"Our goal," Yang says, "is to develop a software tool to allow scientists to study more general large-scale molecular systems. The user can input known or conjectured values for the forces and conduct computational experiments. Then, by comparing predicted results with actual experimental measurements, the model can be fine tuned to make it better represent the actual material."

In the past year, Yang and his colleagues have published five papers in technical journals concerning the use of the new algorithm. Because of their paper in Chemical Physics Letters, a group at the California Institute of Technology led by Rudolph Marcus, who won the Nobel Prize for chemistry in 1992, is collaborating with Yang, Romine, Noid and Sumpter on studying a vital plant protein that uses light to produce atmospheric oxygen.

Yang will soon apply the new algorithm to calculate vibrational modes of a rhinovirus, which causes the common cold. This information could provide insights into virus structure that could be valuable for development of a cure.

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ORNL's Chemical and Analytical Sciences Division
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