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The Emerging Nanoscience Revolution
Features In This Issue - Volume 38, Number 3, 2005



An Editorial:
Joining the Emerging Nanoscience Revolution

For researchers who dream of controlling materials properties down to the atomic level, 2005 marks a milestone for a revolutionary new science. Oak Ridge National Laboratory is opening the Center for Nanophase Materials Sciences (CNMS), the first of five new Department of Energy Nanoscale Science Research Centers. More...




The Next Small Thing
With new facilities and capabilities, ORNL will help researchers make advances in nanoscience and nanotechnology that could boost Tennessee's economy. More...


Center for Nanophase Materials Sciences
DOE's first nanoscale research center opened to its first users in late 2005 at ORNL. More...


Neutrons and Nanoscience
ORNL's world-class neutron sources will enable advances in nanomagnetism, membranes, and catalysis. More...


Looking At The World Differently
Electron microscopy is the standard method for visualizing individual nanoscale structures. A complete visualization of the nano world, however, will require characterization by multiple, complementary beams of radiation. More...


Nanoworld Records
ORNL's record-breaking electron microscopy and spectroscopy techniques will help researchers explore and control nanoscale materials. More...


Imaging the Invisible
Advanced scanning probe microscopy tools are opening new worlds of nanofabrication. More...


A New Attraction
ORNL researchers synthesize and characterize magnetic nanostructures that are capturing the interest of the electronics industry. More...


New Tools For Nanoscience
Theory and modeling help explain nanoscale interactions. More...


Producing Polymers
ORNL and UT researchers design, synthesize, and characterize new kinds of polymers. More...


A Limitless Potential
ORNL is producing carbon nanotubes 100,000 times smaller than a human hair that could impact much of the world's economy. More...


Breaking the Mold
The potential of nanotube-polymer composites made at ORNL is attracting growing interest. More...


Researching in Bulk
Bulk materials can be synthesized to create nanoparticles that improve the materials' properties. More...


Layered Film That Stacks Up
Using pulsed laser deposition, ORNL researchers have grown perfect ferroelectric superlattices with surprising properties. More...


Catalysis at the Nanoscale
Scientists are learning how to make effective catalysts from nanoparticles. More...


Nature's Way
"Nanobiotechnologists" are imitating, harnessing, and probing nature at the level of the living cell. More...


Nanofabrication in the Clean Room
The Nanofabrication Research Laboratory, housed in a wing of the ORNL nanocenter, occupies a room that is clean to the extreme. More...




Jim Roberto: Weighing In On Nanoscale Research
As ORNL's Deputy Director for Science and Technology, Jim Roberto says that his professional goal has always been to find a place where he can contribute most effectively. A physicist who has made his way upward through administrative ranks, his favorite moments in the lab were when he could sit down and analyze all the data that had been collected, putting together the pieces of the puzzle. More...




The "Real" CSI:
As if in a Hollywood script, an ORNL scientist helps solve a murder mystery in Texas. More...


Collaboration at a Superfund Site
ORNL scientists play key roles in the first comprehensive study of microbial gene expression at an acidic mine. More...




...and the Winners are...
Accomplishments of Distinction at Oak Ridge National Laboratory. More...


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